I've been trying to get a Nord swordsman type character started and want to find more armor as I'm pretty satisfied with my selection of weapons so far. The problem is as I said, there seems to be a lacking of what it is I'm searching for. I have been unable to find any helms similar to the one seen in Skyrim, definitely the sort of thing I'm looking for. The Nord armor from Realswords Nord is pretty cool but I'd like something with more leather and fur (I don't mind armor plates here and there), possibly asymmetrical, such as just one shoulder guard, again similar to what's seen in Skyrim shots.
I'm hoping that someone could possibly help me to find such a mod(s) or that we can get enough interest in this sort of thing to get a project started to create gear of such a style.
I know there's some really awesome modders out there and hope enough people would be interested that if this kind of thing doesn't already exist, then we can make it a reality.