However I feel that already some things have been misrepresented to us and now we have seen them in action at E3 they might have been better off keeping mum about them from the beginning and not including them at all. For me the biggest one of all is the Horses. Now i'm not a horse fanatic and I could care less if they are in the game or not; but Todd assured us they would get them right or not bother. Now we didn't see a lot of them in the demo but I think we saw enough to know they ain't right and have been told in a interview that there won't be any horse combat. Then the look and feel of what we saw in the demo was poor and more or less like Oblivion. Horse standing there wooden and not tied to anything with a big clunky animation and lack of fluidity. The only thing that was different was that you can rear them. That isn't really getting them right. If someone attacks me on the road and I have to stop and dismount probably while they are swinging at me, not doing any damage due to the animation event, and then fight. THAT IS NOT DOING IT RIGHT. Just ditch them Todd, or has it gone too far?
Next up is the "visceral combat", "draw distance" and the "minimal UI". Grass and bushes still only draw to 50 metres giving you the feeling that you are some kind of 'life god' walking in a dead land whilst plants grow and die in your halo.
"Minimal UI" were they comparing it to minimal techno? Stripped down and classy but with huge bass. I couldn't see the fight going on because of the huge announcements and information pop-ups.
If you can't block when you have a sword in your hand the combat is going to feel wrong period. Duel Wielding I'm looking at you.
Now we will let the Grass thing go this time because it's too late in the game for changes like that but no blocking with two handed swords? Come on!! Also the minimal UI needs massive work especially for PC. If you were trying to copy Apple you ended up with Capcom and if you can't sort out the horses just ditch them, no one will care. They might moan at first but the glory of Skyrim will silence them!! And when they see the state of them at E3 the will know why and respect you for it
I love TES. It's my fav. Like most people here I'm just trying to make suggestions. If I could make just one suggestion it would be to keep your word. The Internet never forgets. Never
Anything you guys feel has been a bit misrepresented?