Too bad for you. Sorry, i know that sounds cold but The Elder Scrolls isn't a child game in my opinion and i don't want to see Beth cut down on advlt content (and i am not just speaking about nudity here) so the kids can enjoy it. You will just have to wait. If your parrents is more concerned about a little nudity (lets face it, i don't think we will get hardcoe pormography or anything :laugh: ) than content like the Dark Brotherhood then i have a feeling that they either don't know what you are playing or have a very different idea about what is approaciate for children compared to me. I am not necessarily saying that a 14 year old shouldn't be allowed to play Oblivion, maturity vary, but it does seem a little odd to worry about nudity in games with quests like whodunit?
Well i can only speak for myself but i don't want unrealistic gore. I want realistic gore... though with some artistic freedom ofcause. But over the top gore like in Dragon Age II? No thanks.
But i think it does. Not in all games ofcause but i see games as a storytelling medium just like books, movies, tv series and comics, and when nudity make sense, i don't think developers should shy away from it. The greatest insult to games in my opinion, is to think of them as toys. Ofcause some games is, just like some movies and books. But just like them, they can also be more than that.
I hope that wasn't too rude but it sounded like you wanted to know why some people felt that way about gore and nudity.
a little bit of nudity isnt bad but some people seemed to want it like you put your clothes off and you are in youre naked **** that would be a problem for me. I am not a person who thinks doing thing things you can do in games is good

my parent know that and let me play games like oblivion (it can be worse than oblivion, i know children who are 13 years old and play call of duty, bioshock... etc) also my parents know what games i play because my dad plays most of them to

also i was talking about dragon age like gore to (no i dont play that game

you didnt sound rude and thank you for explaining it to me

EDIT: to the list:
call of duty
dragon age
grand theft auto
but i dont get why medieval total war? i played total war series when i was 11