Ok, here is my situation, i have an exterior cell, it is dark, raining, there's a full moon, so in other words it's scary (or meant to be). Now i wish to make a creature, that the player will view, but never actually have any contact with, e.g. combat or searching it's body. So say the player turns a corner, and ahead of them, just a few metres ahead, say 10-20 metres, they see a creature moving into the bushes and trees. But when the player get's any closer, there is nothing there, the creature has just vanished, gone completely, so the player will never encounter it again.
How do i do this?
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
This below code is tweaked from a code that makes enemies appear at night and disappear during the day. You will need to change the values for which way the player is facing (fHeading values) as they currently make the script run when the player is facing away, which obviously you don't want.
The creature will enable at night time only and when the player is over a certain distance away. Creature will disappear when the player is under a certain distance away.
float fDistancefloat fHeadingref myRefshort bDisappearbegin GameMode set fCurrentTime to GetCurrentTime if IsInInterior return endif set myRef to GetSelf set fDistance to GetDistance player set fHeading to player.GetHeadingAngle myRef ; Only Disappear if player is less than 100 ft or facing away. YOU NEED TO REVERSE THESE OR SOMETHING, NOT SURE OF THE EXACT VALUES NEEDED! if ((fDistance < 2000) || (((90 < fHeading) && (fHeading < 270)) || ((-270 < fHeading) && (fHeading < -90)))) Disable set bDisappear to 1 endif ;Creature will only appear between 12am and 6am (night time) elseif bDisappear == 1 && (fCurrentTime <= 6.0 || fCurrentTime >= 23.99) ; Only Reappear if player is further than 100 ft or facing away. YOU NEED TO REVERSE THESE OR SOMETHING, NOT SURE OF THE EXACT VALUES NEEDED! if ((fDistance > 2000) || (((90 < fHeading) && (fHeading < 270)) || ((-270 < fHeading) && (fHeading < -90)))) Enable set bDisappear to 0 endifend