Back from Morrowind? I know there was racism in Oblivion.
Yet again another blind Oblivion defense attempt against the wicked Morrowind.

And there is, the racism you saw in Morrowind, Cyrodiil gets less of it, because it's kind of melting pot of the races, and where it is, Skyrim, you are getting back to, this is the province of the Nords, and even if the other races make appearances, they don't like elves, they are the original home of man, and they think, men vs our elves (the mer), men are, are the ones who should rule Tamriel, not, not elves, so there is this, conflict between that, so soon that does come into the play, some of that leads in the quests, and there is the theme for the quests, but a lot of it, depending on the race you pick, it's, it's flavor more than it is locking you off from one thing or another.
From the man himself.