A good idea for how to increase on-line players of Crysis2

Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:32 am

Hello Dear Crytek
After Crysis2 V1.8 you improve the "Point Fire Enahce" I feel very glad, the original Crysis style is back, we can run, jump and shoot free!!.
now Crysis2 is my most favorite game.
but there has one problem!!
I know Crysis2 has a DLC map, and I will buy in later, but how to make more people to play those maps??
4 maps charge US9.9 seems a little expensive, if there are 6 or 8 maps I will feel fine.
the original map of Crysis2 is not enough, it won't make players have enthusiasm for long time.
Crysis2 has the best graphic in the industry and well MP setting, but the on-line player is droping due to the maps are not enough....I don't want this thing happened.
Could you find a way out about how to increase the on-line players??
I think the DX11 patch is a solution, but it won't take long.
I have two idea for Crytek!!
1: Add more maps in the DLC pack, I think 8 map charge US9.99 is fine.
2: I think this one is a better one: every one or 2 months add one free map, like the Bad Company2. The success of BFBC2 is a very good example for Crysis2. even the BFBC2 had lot of bugs and lacked maps, but they were adding maps every a short time. everytime the new map released the player were coming back, everytime the maps became more, the players are increased too. this is a very very smart method for increase a game's life, and make the community happy. just one map every short time, you can prepard 5~6 maps and release them in one year. it is not a tough task. I hope more players can feel how good Crysis2 is :))
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:54 am

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Joe Bonney
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:01 pm

Map count is hardly the reason Crysis 2 has a small playerbase.

Player count is low because-

1. The game didnt sell as well as expected to begin with. Most FPS gamers are already set in on a franchise (Halo, BF, CoD, etc) and Crysis 2 is a pretty late entry into that.. especially when a lot of its MP formula is already being done by CoD which simply does it better in regards to ranking, etc. Crysis 2 struggles to remember what youve done and what you havnt.

2. A lot of players left the game because it launched with next to no anti-cheat and technical problems by the bucket load.

Even the DX11 patch wont give a noticable boost to player count.
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:33 am

even the BFBC2 had lot of bugs and lacked maps, but they were adding maps every a short time. everytime the new map released the player were coming back, everytime the maps became more, the players are increased too.
All DICE did with BFBC2 was unlocking existing game modes on existing maps. Very unspectacular really. In all fairness they did release 3 new maps later on, plus their Vietnam expansion, but by that time most people had already lost interest.
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