Fallout Spinnoff Cavelcade!

Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:08 pm

This is not, repeat not a FO4 or any other type of suggestion thread.

Quite the opposite, this is the anti-suggestion thread.

Inspired by the "Simpsons Spinnoff Cavelcade" I'm looking for your suggestions on bad fallout spinnoff ideas we NEVER want to see made!


Here's a few to get you started:

Singstar: Wasteland
Have you ever been to a "Singstar Party" and felt disapointed that you couldn't belt out a few lines of "Maybe" or "Civilisation"(The Ongo-Bongo song)? No, well to be honest, neither have I.

Grand Theft Brahmin
Ride a bull around Junktown comitting crimes and entering Brahmin races.

Sims: Post Nuclear Edition
Speaks for itself really.
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Saul C
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:58 pm

Anything thing with Aliens

Anything where Enclave return as a super faction trying to take over the world.

Anything that has the ability to become a ghoul/super mutant in game.
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:49 am

I was hoping for "so bad its funny" ideas...
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:35 am

Left 4 Fallout!
Just a huge slaughter fest where you don't need to worry about ammo. You kill ghouls and raiders by the thousands!

Left 4 Fallout 2!
Now with cattle prods.
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:50 pm

Call of Fallout: you and your fellow NCR troopers must dodge a billion Micheal Bay explosions to stop a nuclear warhead from being detonated in New Vegas, while trying to understand who set you up and bring them down and in the end it will have been all a ruse, where you find out the world hasn't ended and your parrents just didn't like society. (yes that was a The Village refferecnce)

Fallout Tycoon: Create your own New Vegas by sending securitrons out to do buisness with tribals. No, this isn't an RTS, all you ever see is what Mr. House sees from his hermetically seeled chamber.
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:16 pm

A lone wastelander happens upon an unopened vault. After banging on the door for awhile, it opens. On the other side, a short orange horde awaits him.
Welcome to Vault Snooki!
Thousands of Snooki clones issue forth from the bowles of the Vault and wage a kind of warfare most foul: being Snooki. You play as either an NCR soldier or a BoS paladin as you fight through the spray-tanned onslaught and put an end to the non-retro futuristic menace.
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