Dialog Assistance Please...

Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:19 am

There comes a time in a man's life when he wonders if he's just being a general annoyance and bothering the people he considers comrades-in-arms. Now is one such time.

I am having extreme dialog issues. I need to get some help before I can finish my Niemarkh Island project, and I'm desperate. Here's the chain of events I need to have happen:

The player talks to an NPC and, at some point, 'Extensions' are brought up.

The NPC will mention an extension of some sort (like "Kitchen").

The player (not through barter) pays X amount of money. This will set the journal to a certain level, and via a script (cannibalized from Radac's Script) this will enable/disable the required activators to extend the house and add a Kitchen. THIS WORKS. I've got the scripts, etc. all set.

The NPC brings up that the player needs, say, a cook. "latest rumors" will help him find someone who is looking for a job as a cook, and when he talks to this person, they ask for a small retaining fee (say, 1000 gold) and then are disabled, reappearing in the kitchen. I know their ID's would be unique (Cook_Unhired and Cook_Hired) for instance. Additionally, the Cook_Unhired would not appear until the player purchased the kitchen.

Like I said, if I go into the console and type in "Journal NC_Kitchen" for example, I get the kitchen. I just need to add it as part of a dialog event... any help? And PLEASE, give me step by step directions to replicate this. I have over 40 upgrades.
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:16 pm

Moved to the correct sub-forum. Carry on.
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:30 am

Apologies, Attrebus. Thank you.
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