Well, sorry for missing yesterday. Things were a bit....well...out of my control.

#8 http://www.fliggerty.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=1080 by Fliggerty and Friends
An aging necromancer wishes you to enter his tutelage. You will learn the art of gathering corpses, preparing them for arcane rituals, and summoning and commanding vast armies of the dead.
The process involved in this mod closely follows the processes described in the in-game book Corpse Preparation vIII. Either leave the corpse in the wilderness for a few days to allow wild animals to strip all flesh from the skeleton, or place it in a salt vat to "cure," and use it to summon a mummified Warlord Revenant. It is possible to summon thirty-three different types of Revenants; lesser, standard, and greater variants of each race, as well as poison based warlords, fired based warlords, and frost based warlords. The quality of revenant summoned is dependent upon your Necromancy Skill.
The art of capturing NPC souls in special soulgems has finally been introduced. As with the standard Soultrap spell, you cast a spell on a dead NPC, then hit them with a ritual blade. Not only will their soul be trapped in a blackened soulgem, but you will be able to pick up their corpse and put it to arcane use.
New in this version is the introduction of zombies. A zombie can be raised of any dead NPC without the need to take it to the temple. A spell is simply cast on a dead NPC, and a zombie will rise. They are not as efficient as revenants; they are quite slow and only last so long. But they are easy to raise.
Once you have amassed your skeletal army, controlling is simple. It is all done with a simple keypress (v by default.) You can choose whether the skeletal revenants, the warlords, or both respond to the keypress. Skeletal Revenants and zombies will also follow Warlords if you command them to.
From Fliggerty:
The question begs: is it fair to endorse a mod you authored? I say that it absolutely is...for a number of reasons. First of all, I love playing this mod. Blasphemous Revenants was definitely originally made for myself. Secondly, I didn't make this mod myself. This was the first that I ever released under the authorship of "Fliggerty and Friends." So many people were involved in helping me learn to write MWSE scripts, providing models and textures, ideas, input, testing, etc. A lot of people really came together to help me craft what can be considered my masterpiece.
#7 http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=1230 by Cydine & Maboroshi Daikon
When you drop a book in Morrowind, it lies on it's side with the bottom facing towards you. If, like me, you have a large collection of books then they will look very messy when stacked in this manner.
This plugin adds scripting to every closed book in the game. It allows you to place books vertically and horizontally wherever you please. It works like this: The first time you drop a book, it stands vertically with the spine facing towards you. The second time, it lies horizontally, face up, with the spine towards you. The third time, it lies in the default position as it would without the mod. It then repeats the above sequence.
From Fliggerty:
This mod was an early inspiration for me when it came to finding unique ways to handle engine limitations. It is a perfect example of using other aspects of the Construction Set and modding know-how to implement something that would otherwise have been thought to be impossible. Without Book Rotate, many of my early display rooms and libraries would have been little more than a jumbled mess!