Have a look http://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html, and ModActorValueC. (an obse command.)
ok here's the thing, modAVC works much like modAV2, it can diminish the current AV without affecting the base value, however it can't be used to increase it beyond the current base limit.
IE if I use
player.modAVC 4 20
it will restore 20 points of strength, if your strength is below the base value, but it wont increase your strength 20 points.
You may say - well you can use setav strength to set your strength to whatever value you want- yes I could, but there are two problems.
First, altering the baseAV can and will backfire if the player levels up that attribute. Second, the maximum level you can set is 255.
On the other hand, a fortify attribute spell seems to increase your attributes to any amount and without any limits and more important, it does not tamper with the baseAV. So If the players acrobatic skill increases from jumping around, while affected by a fortify acrobatics spell, the base AV will remain the same when the effect wears out.
The problem with using a fortify attribute ability is...... having to create such ability lol. I wandered if there was an easier way to achieve the same result by using a OBSE comand.