New to Oblivion... Issues with indecisiveness

Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:28 am

So after seeing Skyrim on the E3 coverage I am pumped for it. I figured I should beat Oblivion before it, however. So I bought the GOTY Deluxe Edition. This includes game + all DLC.

Anyways, I wanted to be kind of a combat/mage hybrid, so I made a custom class.
"Spellblade" Strength and Willpower
-Light Armor

Now I am having a moderately fun time as this setup, but I don't really know how I should be fighting... I am working on some Mage guild stuff to hopefully get better spells soon.
However, recently I've realized that I don't really know what I want to be. I always have this problem in games, especially RPGs. I don't know what kind of 'class' I enjoy the most.

Is there a remedy for this class/skill picking indecisiveness? I'm sick of having it, and I almost want to remake a character in Oblivion because my class isn't very good, or is it?

Thanks in advance to all your replies.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:16 pm

Also, I'm only level 2 after 9 hours of playing... is that normal? Seems like I should be higher.
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:54 pm

My response, figure things out for yourself! This is exactly what you are meant to do in these games, and where half the fun comes from.

Dissatisfied with your current character? Start a new one and play around with the class until it is to your liking.

Play the game the way YOU want to play it. No one else can truly tell you how to experience this game, you must build your own experiences, and you will be rewarded well for doing so. Act on your whims, you will never be punished for that in this game.
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:49 pm

My response, figure things out for yourself! This is exactly what you are meant to do in these games, and where half the fun comes from.

Dissatisfied with your current character? Start a new one and play around with the class until it is to your liking.

Play the game the way YOU want to play it. No one else can truly tell you how to experience this game, you must build your own experiences, and you will be rewarded well for doing so. Act on your whims, you will never be punished for that in this game.

The problem is I don't know HOW I want to play. And I don't know how to figure that out. Also, why am I only lvl 2 after many hours of play?
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Chloe :)
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:52 pm

Just keep playing, the answer will come to you eventually.

What I am saying here is that the question you asked is one only you can answer. For t'is only within the depths of your own mind wherein the key to all you seek lies.

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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:30 am

The problem is I don't know HOW I want to play. And I don't know how to figure that out. Also, why am I only lvl 2 after many hours of play?

Your character is a novice so play as a novice: just fight in every way you can to survive. Always keep in mind that they're named ROLE playing game for a reason. You are playing the role of a "spellblade" at his _lowest_ level, so play accordingly: resist with everything you've got. In no time you'll find what suits bests for you. Btw, you are still at lvl 2 because you didn't work out your major skills. If you are on pc and look for a remedy for the class picking indecisiveness, is for you.
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:58 pm

Your character is a novice so play as a novice: just fight in every way you can to survive. Always keep in mind that they're named ROLE playing game for a reason. You are playing the role of a "spellblade" at his _lowest_ level, so play accordingly: resist with everything you've got. In no time you'll find what suits bests for you. Btw, you are still at lvl 2 because you didn't work out your major skills. If you are on pc and look for a remedy for the class picking indecisiveness, is for you.

What do you mean the major skills things? I'm confused? Also I'm confused as to what that mod does?
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:23 am

What do you mean the major skills things? I'm confused? Also I'm confused as to what that mod does?

You level up by improving any combination of your 7 major skills. So, no matter how often you use a bow it will have no effect on leveling you up, because Marksman is not one of your major skills. Actually it does have an affect on your stats but it doesn't strictly concur in leveling you up. See for a more detailed explanation. That mod allows you to adapt to any playing style, so you don't have to worry on picking the wrong class/skill. Basically, it totally removes the concept of classes [as Skyrim will do, as far as I know].
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:54 pm

My response, figure things out for yourself! This is exactly what you are meant to do in these games, and where half the fun comes from.

Dissatisfied with your current character? Start a new one and play around with the class until it is to your liking.

Play the game the way YOU want to play it. No one else can truly tell you how to experience this game, you must build your own experiences, and you will be rewarded well for doing so. Act on your whims, you will never be punished for that in this game.

It's not fun to have to abandon 6 hours of play and do the entire tutorial dungeon over because the levelling system is obfuscate and never properly explained in the game or manual. The problem is that a new player CAN'T play the game the way they want because of the levelling system.

Choose warrior and play the way the game and manual tell you, you'll soon be wildly underpowered and the game will be nigh-unplayable without cranking down the difficulty. I don't see how you're doing new players a favor by telling them to blunder into the poorly planned levelling system where they're inevitably going to hit a wall and be forced to start a new character.
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:57 pm

It's not fun to have to abandon 6 hours of play and do the entire tutorial dungeon over because the levelling system is obfuscate and never properly explained in the game or manual. The problem is that a new player CAN'T play the game the way they want because of the levelling system.

Choose warrior and play the way the game and manual tell you, you'll soon be wildly underpowered and the game will be nigh-unplayable without cranking down the difficulty. I don't see how you're doing new players a favor by telling them to blunder into the poorly planned levelling system where they're inevitably going to hit a wall and be forced to start a new character.

So what are you suggesting I do. Like you've said, I'm 9 hours in and only lvl 2 and not knowing how to play with my class. What do I do at this point? I don't want to start over.
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:35 am

Anyone? Is my class ok? What do I do to get better at my main skills?
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meghan lock
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:29 pm

Most of us start out with a similar character and some vague idea of 'beating' the game expecting some sense of accomplishment and bragging rights as a reward. The lucky ones discover that the journey is the reward.

Don't be in a rush to level up your first character. The monsters get bigger and badder as you level up.

There are two opinions about learning the game. Some will say flounder around on your own while others will recommend reading the UESPWiki or even looking in the hints and spoilers section of this forum. A middle of the road solution is to play until you run into something that seems overwhelming and then ask for advice for that specific problem on the forum.

I can tell you that the game is sufficiently complex that there are little tricks and bits of knowledge that you may very well never discover on your own. It's one of the reasons the game has such long term appeal. I have played for years and still learn new things from time to time. For example; Why are self-made potions sometimes heavy and sometimes much lighter even when using the same ingredients? How can you stop the shot and recover your arrow after drawing back your bow? What are each individual monster's strengths and weaknesses? How can you pickpocket an item of clothing off someone who is wearing that clothing? There are scores of little nuances that can be learned from the various resources available such as the forum and the UESP wiki.

I would recommend that you start with this forum and read the comments of other players; especially the threads that deal specifically with roleplaying.

Good luck with your game.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:28 am

Most of us start out with a similar character and some vague idea of 'beating' the game expecting some sense of accomplishment and bragging rights as a reward. The lucky ones discover that the journey is the reward.

Don't be in a rush to level up your first character. The monsters get bigger and badder as you level up.

There are two opinions about learning the game. Some will say flounder around on your own while others will recommend reading the UESPWiki or even looking in the hints and spoilers section of this forum. A middle of the road solution is to play until you run into something that seems overwhelming and then ask for advice for that specific problem on the forum.

I can tell you that the game is sufficiently complex that there are little tricks and bits of knowledge that you may very well never discover on your own. It's one of the reasons the game has such long term appeal. I have played for years and still learn new things from time to time. For example; Why are self-made potions sometimes heavy and sometimes much lighter even when using the same ingredients? How can you stop the shot and recover your arrow after drawing back your bow? What are each individual monster's strengths and weaknesses? How can you pickpocket an item of clothing off someone who is wearing that clothing? There are scores of little nuances that can be learned from the various resources available such as the forum and the UESP wiki.

I would recommend that you start with this forum and read the comments of other players; especially the threads that deal specifically with roleplaying.

Good luck with your game.

Implying I should restart the game? I don't have that kind of time... I was already 9 hours in!
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:00 pm

Implying I should restart the game? I don't have that kind of time... I was already 9 hours in!

You do realize that this game contains enough content to keep you busy for hundreds of hours, right? Many people find, after a few hours, that the character they first designed doesn't really match their playing style. Many of us play multiple characters, alternating between different "types" to keep the experience fresh and interesting. It's not the sort of game you "beat." You'll get more out of it if you take it slow and "enjoy the ride."

This game is the journey, not the destination. :)

Little trick: Make a save right before the end of the Tutorial dungeon, right before the last gate. You get a chance to rebuild your character at that gate, so you can try different race/class/birthsign combinations without going through the whole tutorial again.
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:05 pm

What do you mean the major skills things? I'm confused? Also I'm confused as to what that mod does?

Major skills are the 7 skills you picked for your custom class. Increase those and you will level up. But I would suggest focusing on only half of your major skills and letting the other half fall behind somewhat. When you level up stronger enemes will start to spawn and it's very useful to have a few fighting skills that are much higher than your level indicates.

For example I once had a character who by level 6 was already an Expert in Conjuration (meaning his skill was 75 or more) and that meant he could summon a Clannfear which is a level 13 creature and extremely vicious (one of the best summons in the game).

And your class is fine. You don't need to restart.
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