Apprentice+ High Elf, at the start of the game.
A mythic dawn agent appears, Zap me then I "FLYYYYY SSOOOOOO HIIIGGGGHHHHH!!!!"
Then the game tells me to use a potion when I'm already dead.
Lmao seems you have KDQ installed. :rofl:
My most Hilarious moments so far happened last night. I have a mod installed that has a chance of Bandits inside the cities.
First fun moment:A Marauder appears in the Talos Plaza and starts attacking a NPC...who apparently starts to beat that Marauder up.

She gets help from the Guards who run to her aid...but she also gets help from a...Highway man. Who is a criminal as well, and ones the fight is over they all walk away...the Highway man talks with a guard and then afterwards gets killed by the guards for being a criminal himself. Now if all criminals where like that then the world would be a lot safer.
Fun moment 2:After that i needed to be in the Market District and soon after i got there another Marauder appeared. This time he attacked my character, but i soon got a lot of help...namely 3 guards and...4 small rats from Waalx Animals & Creatures mod. Lmao rats who are keeping the streets save from scum. :rofl: