The point is: all the enemeis you encounter in crysis1 (except in "the core") are not mechas, but drones. And only those you fight in "the core" are actual life forms.
This also explains why all enemies(again, except in "the core") in crysis1 self-destructs when disabled( which is a very reasonable "function" for drones), while no enemy in c2 self-destructs, because they're actually soilders with powerd armor.
And if you compare those "naked aliens" in "the core" to the ceph grunts in c2, they're actually very similar, both in physical form(if you strip away their armors in c2) and means of attack.
The "naked alien" in "the core" have 2 sub-classes: ranged and melee, while the basic ceph soilders in c2 are also divided into 2 sub-class: ranged and melee.
The theory could be that the ceph force in c1 is either vastly under-manned, or maybe they're just not that "head-on firefight" type (think of someting like an engineer/support class). So their primary way of combat is to build massive "war robots"(those common enemies you encounter throughout the game), and let the drones do the heavy lifting. And this also explains why most of "the core" resembles factory areas.
The ceph force in c2, on the other hand, is either well manned or more of this "head-on firefight" type (something like a soilder/assualt class), so they are willing to put actual soilders in the field.