[REQ] Lower/Middle Bunkbed resource

Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:06 pm

JDFan made an awesome http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22745 using a single upper-class bed model. I've attempted to swap out the upper beds for lower and/or middle-class ones, but the results haven't been pretty (mainly since the legs/headboards don't line up and also the sheets are see-thru from underneath, but that's just nitpicking on my part). I was wondering if someone out there could make functional bunkbed models using a single lower-class and single middle-class bed - something more suitable for guards, soldiers, orphans, etc. Or, if this already exists, could someone send me a link?

Thanks in advance for any work or time spent on this request.
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Tracy Byworth
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