Bah! I'll take a swing at this ordeal...
Introducing the Lusty Dragon Maid!
Staring the promotional form of the Dragonborn!
The scene enters on a brightly colored dragon ineffectively trying to dust a room, her scales glisten in the candle light and her uniform barely fits.Dragon Born EntersDB: I thought I told you to clean this room, yet you have only made a worse mess!
LDM: I am so sorry master, my wings are so large that they get in the way!
DB: I'll hear nothing of this! Some punishment is in order.
LDM: [gasping] You aren't going to to cut off my wings are you master?
DB: No, I would not tarnish your [lustfully] lovely body... [clears his throat] Come to my chambers after dinner, I have weapons that need cleaning. Maybe I will show you why I am called the Dragon Born
Dragon Born ExitsAUTHOR NOTE: I am not a writer.