Shorthand Version
I would like to see some of the predictions made by futurist Ray Kurzweil and Jacque fresco on the east coast in fallout 4. Twisted and turned into some of their worst possible outcomes.
Detailed Version
In case you didn’t know what a futurist is, they make predictions on future trends and technologies and how we may live in the future. They might even make inventions toward the prediction as is the case with these two.
Ray Kurzweil perhaps best known for predicting the fall of the Soviet Union and described the rise of the internet. Bill Gates has said that he is the best at what he does. What is his current prediction? The singularity, an event that has already happened in fallout, was snuffed out with the nuclear apocalypse. The singularity describes an event in human history when learning and inventions become so fast and humans begin to solve problems that they normally couldn’t in that time. He predicts that Man and Machine will be indistinguishable. We will have Nano bots in our blood and brains to enhance our way of life. Humans will live indefinitely. In the case of death the person would be downloaded into a new body. Little Nano bot computers would coat the entire world giving us info on everything, and then we would send these Nano bots into space to new worlds for more information to feed our human machine race. This sums it up. You can get more information from his book or on Netflix he has a video called ‘The transcended man’.
Jacque fresco is a bit different. He is self-educated structural designer, philosopher of science, concept artist, educator, and people relate him to Leonardo Da Vinci. For a 95 year old, he is way ahead of his time. He is the classic case of brilliance without political or financial backing. I cannot even imagine how life would be if this man was given proper backing. I cannot possibly sum of everything this man has done. Simply put, he designed a veritable utopia with a hive mind in the center or A.I. that handles government, atmosphere, and almost everything. With several circles encircling each one until the population reaches a pre-defined amount. Menial labor done almost entirely by robots, with a resource based economy and everyone gets whatever they want. If you want a new toaster you just put in an order for it and they send it to you. This is possible because they have a level of production that is through the roof. He started a project in the 70’s called ‘Project Venus’ named after a nearby town. They took a tomato patch and started to turn it into this beautiful city with hundreds of buildings that live naturally with the environment. If you would like to know more I found a video on Netflix called ‘Future by Design’.
I think it would be incredible to see this in fallout. His settlement turned into what he thought only not the way he wanted. The Nanites couldn’t spread because the nuclear fallout. They want to leak into the rest of the world. The nukes wouldn’t have hit it because it’s meshed so well with nature. Their soldiers physically enhanced their brains completely replaced with the hive mind using Nanites. The soldiers would be bald race less empty clones. The people would be afraid the computer was using the same means on them. Oh so much potential!
Anyway as usual open to feedback for amendments to the suggestion and possible problems.