The Elder Scrolls III
Poorly Placed Object Fix
version 1.0
By Slartibartfast
1. Description
2. Installation
3. Known Issues
4. Version History
5. Credits
6. Permissions
This mod is concerned with correctly positioning items of a physical
nature within the game and deals with things such as rocks floating
in the air, the correct alignment of models,and so forth, with
version 1.0 fixing around 50 errors of this type.
The mod comes in 2 flavours, The Poorly Placed object.esp has all the
fixes merged together , alternatively the fix is also supplied in
modular format in the 'Individual fixes' folder for those who would
rather select precisely which fixes they want and can choose from
the 44 esps therein , some of them have more than one fix incorporated if
errors found were in close proximity of each other. Before and after
screenshots of all the fixes are included.
The mod is supplied as in .esm format as it is intended as a fundamental
game fix along the lines of the Morrowind Patch Project and intended to
run alongside or merged into it. i have done a small amount of playtesting
in conjunction with the latest variant MPP 165b (BTB edit ) and not had
any problems so far so this mod should be compatible with any version of
the community made Morrowind Patch in its various guises UMP, UUMP,
and currently MPP.
Most of the fixes included here were originally reported on the official
forums to be fixed and included in the Morrowind Patch Project but it has
been over 2 years since some errors had ben reported and with no sign of
them getting fixed. So i trawled through several threads pertaining to
the Morrowind Patch Project, sifting through about 1 thousand posts in total,
and subsequently investigating and fixing all the object problems that had been
reported since early 2009 up to the present date, i wasn't able to find all the errors
from the descriptions given but most were and fixes are included here.
1. Copy and paste the Poorly Placed Object fix 1.0.esm and the 'meshes' folder
into the 'Morrowind/Data' files directory. You should receive an error message
telling you that a folder called meshes already exists , type in yes when asked
if you wish to continue and overwrite the existing folder.
2. From the Morrowind Launcher, select Data Files and enable
'Poorly Placed Object fix 1.0.esm'.
3. Start playing!
The mod is incompatible with the 'Ebonheart Fix'mod by Kid 77 as both
fix the same things but in different fashion.
1.0 Initial release,fixing around 50 object placement errors that are not
currently covered in the Morrowind Patch Project.
Bethesda for making an excellent game.
The modding community for taking the game beyond excellent.
Ghostwheel for Testool used to remove GMST's and other junk.
Wrye for Mash used to convert the ESP file to ESM format.
The Secret Masters for the Enchanted Editor used for removing junk I'd accidentally picked up.
Niftools for Nifskope and Nif scripts for Blender
Blender for anabling me to the cobble the custom meshes.
Yours truly for being sufficiently obsessed to do this mod.
You may use this or any of my other works in your Morrowind mods, No need to ask
but a mention in your credits would be nice.
Here are but a few screenshots showing the types of thing this mod does stops your character getting stuck in the fire.
Awaiting download link