Hey Just wanted to bring up a Bug that I came across after downloading Fighters stronghold for the xbox 360 were every time I fast travel to Battlehorn Castle one of my Man-At-Arms will spawn in the air in the courtyard and then fall to their death. I know the anniversary edition of the game is coming out next month and was wondering if this is going to be fixed or at least patched when it comes out. My next question is will they respawn after a certain cool down period or am I out of luck on this.
I do have other expansions on the game as well:
* Spell Tomes
* Thieves Den
* Vile Lair
* Wizards TowerI'll add video later, I have a save as I'm exiting the main hall to the courtyard as one of the guards is spawned in the air so you guys can see what I'm talking about.