How much Fallout will bleed in to Tamriel?

Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:17 pm

I like fallout

Its one of my favorite games of all time

But you cant read an interview, or listen to a podcast where someone doesnt bring up FO3 in some way.

The perk system is straight from fallout

So the questions are

1. What else do you think will come from FO3 mechanic or otherwise?

2. Would pop culture Easter eggs work in Skyrim like it works in FO?
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:31 am

2. Would pop culture Easter eggs work in Skyrim like it works in FO?

They've worked in all the other Elder Scrolls games.

I think enough from Fallout will influence Skyrim to make it good, but not enough to make it less-Elder Scrolls than it has to be. Not enough to be concerned about in the least bit.
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:24 pm

The perk system is straight from fallout

The only similarity is the name. Otherwise, it's nothing alike.

1. What else do you think will come from FO3 mechanic or otherwise?

Well, FO3's buy/sell and container interfaces are greatly improved from Oblivion's..... I'm expecting to have some actual hotkeys for Take All / Exit / etc. Going back to Oblivion from FO3, the chests are just so annoying in comparison.

And we know the level scaling is inspired / based on the system in FO3 (another improvement, considering that Oblivion's scaling is the gold standard for how NOT to do it. :) )

edit: basically, the only carry-over I expect is in basic operation - I mean, I certainly hope that game design lessons Bethesda learned between Oblivion & Fallout 3 will still be influencing their programming. You're supposed to learn & improve over time, yes?
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:54 am

Eh, there were tons of pop culture easter eggs in TES before now, so I don't see that part being a problem. Just off the top of my head: in Morrowind, there was Ma'iq's reference to Im-Leet/Rolf the Uber, Charles the Plant, and Eltonbrand. In Oblivion, there was the Dark Chest of Wonders and Blue Suede Shoes.

Actually, there are complete lists on UESP:
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Yung Prince
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:00 pm

I like fallout

Its one of my favorite games of all time

But you cant read an interview, or listen to a podcast where someone doesnt bring up FO3 in some way.

The perk system is straight from fallout

So the questions are

1. What else do you think will come from FO3 mechanic or otherwise?

2. Would pop culture Easter eggs work in Skyrim like it works in FO?

TES had perks before Fallout. And enough of fallout will bleed into Tamerial that we will see ghouls....except they will be called zombies
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:14 pm

I'm fine with it if they take the things that worked in FO3 into the Skyrim mechanics. I love Fallout too and had a good time choosing Perks because they're a lot of fun. They'll be customized for the Skyrim world and it should be interesting.

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Ashley Campos
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:23 am

Pop culture? So the giant uferdrake mantron troll, troll under the bridge, giant nirn root, ect. is pop culture? Anyway I hope non of Fallout gets in Tamriel, Fallout 3 imo was a dumbed down version of Oblivion with a few improvments. I don't like Fallouts world and such, it feels empty and boring imo. I'm assuming you mean easter eggs right? You're not clear on what you're trying to say....
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:26 pm

i have to agree with most of the other posters here. technical aspects of fallout will carry over more than anything else.

however, i hope the "radar" you have in fo3 doesn't carry over, or if it is they improve it. ideally the tickers would only appear when enemies make a noise or something. i imagine the radar won't crossover because of detect life, but you never know...
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:34 pm

i have to agree with most of the other posters here. technical aspects of fallout will carry over more than anything else.

however, i hope the "radar" you have in fo3 doesn't carry over, or if it is they improve it. ideally the tickers would only appear when enemies make a noise or something. i imagine the radar won't crossover because of detect life, but you never know...

I wouldn't be surprised if Detect Life basically acted as a toggle for enemy tick marks on the compass, actually. Seems like a natural way to do it, although they may also reuse Oblivion's method.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:13 pm

Another ignorant "TES is becoming Fallout" post?

Do a little research, if anything, Fallout became TES, not the other way around. The game was changed from a Turn-based, narrative driven, Isometric party-based game more like Final Fantasy Tactics, to an open world, exploration based, first-person sandbox.

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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:19 pm

Every game they do is different. They build each one from the ground up. I can see some similarities in the aesthetics, because I'm sure they have many of the same people in their art department, but other than that, nothing else really comes to mind.
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:45 pm

The perk system sounds like it's going to function a lot like Fallout 3.
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:39 am

I like to think of it as Elder Scrolls being their main series and in between Elder Scrolls games, they tinker around with Fallout, improving their systems and what not, so that if they get something wrong they wont include it in the main series (Elder Scrolls). Does this make any sense?

The first Fallout game I played was 3 and the whole time I was just thinking "Man, this is practically Oblivion in a different universe." which started to lead me to my above conclusion.
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:44 pm

I find it pretty silly for TES fans to worry about Fallout bleeding into it, as TES bled VERY heavily into Fallout. First-person perspective, real-time actiony combat, sandbox world strewn with random dungeons to explore, "enchanted" clothing and armor...Fallout 3's gameplay was far more akin to Oblivion and even Morrowind than to its own predecessors. "Oblivion with guns," whether you take that as a good or bad thing, was a pretty apt description of it for good reason. Most every aspect of its gameplay seemed more a natural evolution of what was set in Oblivion.

So far, with Skyrim, I'm still seeing more Elder Scrolls than Fallout. All those things I listed are still there. The biggest change has been the leveling system, and even that still follows the general philosophy of "Use 'em to improve 'em" that was present since Daggerfall. Yeah, it has perks that you can now select every level Bethesda may have admitted they were inspired by the system they had for FO3, but they were nothing new when FO1 did them. Neither were pop culture references, and if you're worried about those impeding into your fantasy game, maybe you should pay attention to some of the names and places in Vvardenfell.'s Spine, Hall,
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:29 pm

Fallout easter eggs in skyrim would be AWESOME!!!
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:30 am

I wish Fallouts attribute system would have bled into Skyrim, opposed to attributes being bled out of Skyrim all together.
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:55 pm

i would love to have enclave power armor and a gatling laser. and who cares about horse combat..........i wanna shoot stuff from my vertibird. :toughninja:

as for fallouts leveling system i actually hate it. i always preferred the theory behind TES system as in the "use skill to make it better" makes more sense than just arbitrarily assigning points to a skill you might have never used up to that point. of course i also hated TES 5x mulitplier game so i use GCD and nGCD to fix that issue.
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:19 pm

The perk system is straight from fallout

Other than the fact that they are both called perks, they are nothing alike. Skyrim's perks are based on the levels of skills, and arent picked every actual level - level up. They are also built into tree's. Fallout had like 3 perks that had more than one level, but ALL of Skyrims perks are more definitive tree's. Plus, whats not to like? As long as they don't start putting combat shotguns and Mr. Handies into Skyrim, I'm fine with alot of Fallout 3 influence.
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:15 pm

Holy crap people, If i had a nickel for every ITS GONNA BE LIKE FALLOUT OH NOEEESSSS thread I'd be a wealthy man.
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:15 pm

I wish Fallouts attribute system would have bled into Skyrim, opposed to attributes being bled out of Skyrim all together.

That's something I can get behind.
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:17 pm

I like fallout

Its one of my favorite games of all time

But you cant read an interview, or listen to a podcast where someone doesnt bring up FO3 in some way.

The perk system is straight from fallout

So the questions are

1. What else do you think will come from FO3 mechanic or otherwise?

2. Would pop culture Easter eggs work in Skyrim like it works in FO?

Honestly, I think the reason that it comes up so much is that this game stands upon Fallout 3's shoulders technically and mechanically. By that I mean that the engineering aspects that make the world 'exist' for the player were 'perfected,' if I can use that word, in the recent installments of the Fallout franchise. A lot of technical systems that make things behave in realistic and pleasing ways were improved dramatically as the developer gained experience building another RPG world after Oblivion.

As far as the mechanical side goes, the game systems (like perks) work really, really well within the context of the worlds and situations that Bethesda places the player in. These systems (like: you gain a new, fun ability each time you level that is cookie-cutter, but when combined with other abilities in your personal, specific way make your character / playthrough special and rewarding for you...) are sort of applicable within any plot or lore setting. A gameplay system that works well within one context can be applied to another. Fallout uses baseball bats and police batons. Skyrim uses swords, axes and maces. A melee 'perk' can be applied in both instances with similar results. The same engine can pull two different cars that look completely different from one another and if the engineer has done his job right the occupants will never know the difference, other than that it's a smooth, enjoyable ride.

As for cultural references, I think the developer has the sophistication and the... well... just plain class to be honest... to do what works in that regard. I saw Fallout 3 as an iconic experience, not just for the RPG genre but for the computer game medium as a whole, not because of the gameplay, graphics or any other mundane element, but for the connection that the developer created between the player and the world. It was better than some of the best big-budget films you've ever seen and you knew that from the first five minutes of gameplay. You KNEW that what you were participating in was something special that you might not see for the next ten years as a video game enthusiast. Fallout 3 was a work of art.

I trust Bethesda to make the right calls on gameplay and suspension of disbelief. Post-apocalyptia or high-fantasy province... we're in good hands. A little Fallout under the hood of the greatest fantasy RPG series of all time will have positive repercussions for players.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:17 pm

They've worked in all the other Elder Scrolls games.

I think enough from Fallout will influence Skyrim to make it good, but not enough to make it less-Elder Scrolls than it has to be. Not enough to be concerned about in the least bit.

Fallout 3 is a straight TES game pretty much. great game but it is not a true fallout game and bears little resemblance, everything Bethesda made was in their own style.

I really dont mind if Bethesda took everything gameplay-wise that they made while making Fallout 3, because Fallout 3 is their game, it's not Fallout 1 or 2. There is no "Fallout" bleed because everything in fallout 3 (with the exception of many story elements) was something that Bethesda created themselves

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