This is the Plot:
"In the year 2077, when the bombs fell, entire nations has been wiped from the map, cities are now usless ruins, and the world has turned in a wasteland, with the danger in every corner waiting for careless adventurers, but, there is one city where the time has frozen.
In october 23 of 2077, Howard Ford, one of the principal and major socies of Poseidon Energy activated his ultimate creation, the "CORNELIA", a automated and anti-bomb orbital system, based in heavily charged laser beams. This rays destroyed the missiles and bombers who carried the explosives, in a safe distance of 480 km/298 miles, far of his city, New York.
With his city safe, he began to kill the inhabitants, in a process he called "selection", and after a human holocaust, only seven families survived his trials. With an entire city for them, they begin to build (with help of construction robots) a skycrapper wall in the limits of the safe "area" (480km from New York) and live his lives in a frozen era, pure humans, locked in his little world, of preserved technology, depravation, and corruption.
In the year 2249, in the morning of the 10, January, rumors of a scape in LibertyHattan (the name of the modern "New York) are running, and by the night is confirmed by a giant monitor in the Broadway street, Scarlet Ford, daughter of Sebastian Ford, actual leader of the city, has scaped from the city, how and why are unknown. After this, Sebastian suffer from a great depression and locked himself in his house, the Empire State, forever.
Meanwhile, Scarlet, who has crossed the wall and is by this time, miles away from his city, turns back, and see his city for a last time. Bye Bye New York.
A time after this she reaches a poor town simply called "Milhake", she is hungry and thirsty, and by the charity of a man named Max, a Giant Ant hunter, eats and drink. She knows the wife of this hunter, and learns about the infertility of the woman, Max propose something simple, he want a boy, and this strange girl has no family and nothing to spare, so, with the condition of live with a decent life, she has to get pregnant, Scarlet accept, but only because she is in love with the huntsman.
9 months pass, and a beatiful girl is born, but this is not what Max wanted, but a son is a son, and after all the time and effort, he finally gets one. Scarlet has selected a name for her, "Penélope".
Two days later, Scarlet has scaped of the town, and left away the baby.
In the year 2252, a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin named Oldney has founded something interesting, a woman who claims to be from LibertyHattan. She is near death by radiation sickness, but has talked about his life in the city. The Northern Brotherhood need her, they has nearly 20 years waiting for a opportunity like this to enter a totally preserved community, and more important, their technology. But nobody belive in the words of Scarlet, nobody except the Elder and Oldney.
The reason because they need Scarlet, is to pass a DNA check in the front and unique door of the wall. Only humans with "Selected" DNA's pass. Obviusly, the selected DNA's are the one from the "selection trial" of Howard Ford.
Near to the jaws of death, Scarlet talk with Oldney about a baby, a baby she left away in a town she doesn't remember, but she recall the man, a Giant Ant Hunter, and his Daughter, named Penélope.
Scarlet die a 13 of November, of the year 2252, nobody buried her, so Oldney has make her hole, and pay his respects to her, alone.
Is the year 2269, and a drunked Oldney is walking in a destroyed highway, in the distance he notice something, a girl, hunting ants. She notice the armored man, a run, but he shouts to stay quiet, he will no hurt her, and then he says his name, she, fearing the strange man, tells her name, Penélope. So, a key has appeared, again. The road to LibertyHattan is about to begin"
So this only the background, i have a handful of sketches about the main characters and other miscellaneous things.
This are some sketches (I know, i svck in drawing LOL)
Stanley, Brotherhood of Steel Paladin
Stu, brother of Stanley, ex-scribe, and now a Paladin (Famous for his "Laser Fist" invention)
Some weapons of the Brotherhood
Herbert, a major antagonist, and a Hyena Tamer, knowed in the wasteland as "Banshee"
Susan, a Vault 32 Dweller. She is inspired in a Everly brothers song called "Wake up Little Susie"
Wesley, a Semi-super mutant, and a major antagonist
Elisa, a gastric cancer sick girl who is sticked with Wesley
Madeleine, a BOS Paladin
Susie and a Knight of the BOS (and other things)
Penélope and Daddy, her house, and the principal building in the town
Some Ghouls
And for now is all.
I hope to start the comic soon. So tell me, what you think about this?

See you later.