[RELz] Deadly Reflex 6 (Beta) - The Official Release and Bug

Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:30 am

1 game doesnt ask me for bash/horsecombat/dodge keys
2 when i fight there is no gore and when enemies kill me there is gore
3 the hourglass doesnt work
4 enemies can do shieldbash and i cant

1. That's a good thing, since it's not suppose to any more in DR6. o.o Most users usually complain that the game asks them to assign keys repeatedly. The keys are now all defined in the ini file, so change them there if you need to.

2. Gore as in decapitations and such? There are skills requirements on the critcals, check the readme for details, and you need to have a full momentum bar. Might want to increase the value of scc.momemtumincreasemult in the ini so that momentum builds easier.

3. I think it doesn't work either, I've it disabled. Bonus point is the defunct script that keeps asking for keys assignment gets disabled as well.

4. Hrm. Now that's odd, shield bash doesn't have skill requirements. Just to cover the basics, are you running the game with obse_loader.exe?
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Angela Woods
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:48 am

number 4 was because i had no bash key :smile:

I have another thing now it works (thank you for that) when i have no armor equipped my character is totally nvde..... I am 14 so i prefer not to have nudity in games and my dad plays this game to with the same mods that i have.
can I turn it off?
and can the gore be turned off?

thank you
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helen buchan
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:30 pm

I have another thing now it works (thank you for that) when i have no armor equipped my character is totally nvde..... I am 14 so i prefer not to have nudity in games and my dad plays this game to with the same mods that i have.
can I turn it off?
and can the gore be turned off?

The nudity meshes were included unintentionally and are safe to delete from DR6. Go Data\meshes\characters\_male and delete the following:

body.egt, femalefoot.nif, femalehand.nif, femalelowerbody.nif, femaleupperbody.nif, foot.nif, hand.nif, lowerbody.nif, upperbody.nif upperbodyhumanfemale.egt

As for the gore, no option to totally turn it off but at the default momentum settings you should not be able to pull off critical hits, therefore you won't get the gore animations. I think.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:58 am

@dennis97795 if your talking about the blood on the screen you can turn off blood_spatter.esp (i think this is the correct name).
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:20 pm

Hi has anyone manage to make the torches illuminate after u trow then? Mine just happen when i drop the torches. When i trow then they don't illuminate the place.
Sorry for my bad English.
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:05 am

Hi has anyone manage to make the torches illuminate after u trow then? Mine just happen when i drop the torches. When i trow then they don't illuminate the place.
Sorry for my bad English.

Works fine for me. Your issue is probably not related to DR, something conflicts with the drop lit torches mod you're using maybe.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:39 pm


I'm using the OBSE DLT.

In the Bugs section in the first page i says:

"even though using Drop Lit Torches OBSE - a thrown torch does not cast light except on characters. the torch appears lit, but only characters are affected. however, just dropping the torch normally, (not throwing it) does produce a light-generating torch on the ground. /"

So there is a solution for this to work? Should i use some other "drop light torches" mod?

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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:49 pm

"Except mages. Casting spells makes things get ugly. Like, soul-detached-from-body ugly. Just sayin'. " -- I pulled this from the first page of the thread: www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1160066-relz-deadly-reflex-6-beta-the-official-release-and-bug-report-thread-3/

I'm not sure if this person experienced the same issue I have, but it was the only post aside from the "Visual Oddities" section (which didn't provide a sufficiently explained answer to make sense to me) that seemed to refer to my issue; that is, when spellcastingin first (1st) person sneak mode, the left arm reaches to the top right corner, the spell (e.g. a fireball) flies to a point down and right of the crosshair, and there is a visible gap between the shoulder of the left arm and the body--creating the image, basically, of an arm floating lengthwise and diagonally across the screen.

If anyone can make sense of the issue and thoroughly explain to me a solution, I would be much obliged.

P.S. I know the issue resides within the DR6 1st person meshes, and is not the result of some other mod conflict, after I completely abolished Oblivion from my system and performed a clean install.
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:18 am

Is there a known conflict between the Deadly Reflex 5 and StarX Vampire Deaths? I've used the latter for a long time w/o issues, but after adding DR5 the vampires end up with charred bodies from DR5 rather than the burned skeleton from StarX Vampire Deaths and the torso isn't burned/charred at all so looks weird. Checking with FormID Finder the head comes from StarX Vampire Deaths but the other body parts from Deadly Reflex 5, so it seems they get messed up somehow. Anyone who knows if this is fixable?
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Shae Munro
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:19 am

Is there a known conflict between the Deadly Reflex 5 and StarX Vampire Deaths?

Found http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/154683-starx-vampire-deaths-improved/page__view__findpost__p__2662926 over at Nexus, apparently one solution is use Supreme Magicka to turn off DR's magic effects. I'd imagine that's not ideal though. I wonder if http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21565 have a conflict too? That's what I'm using but haven't seen anything odd, but that could be because I've not triggered a fire critical on vampires with DR.
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:58 am

Found http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/154683-starx-vampire-deaths-improved/page__view__findpost__p__2662926 over at Nexus, apparently one solution is use Supreme Magicka to turn off DR's magic effects. I'd imagine that's not ideal though. I wonder if http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21565 have a conflict too? That's what I'm using but haven't seen anything odd, but that could be because I've not triggered a fire critical on vampires with DR.

Thanks. I tried loading StarX Vampire Deaths.esp after DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp (BOSS places it before) but that didn't help. Guess it's a combination of me getting elemental criticals via DR5 every other hit and StarX Vampire Deaths.

Guess the SM setting is

Set zzSMQuest.bAutoDeadlyReflexComp to X, which I have on 1. I'll try setting it to 0 and see what happens.
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:50 pm

so, I'm new member i first i must say that DR is great combat mod :)
but, i still try to fix CTD for my Oblivion.
now, I'm 90% sure, that DR6 is causing CTD. i tried to change dodge key to z (because of broken f-key animation - i read earlier posts) and now it look like that:
set skycaptainsSb.flipKey to 43			;dodge key, the variable name is simply old, 43=z-key

but now, my hero don't dodge (earlier i can, but with f-key) and when I become closer to enemy or play for few second i get CTD.
i can't fix it myself, so please, help me enjoy this mod ;)
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:08 am

Hey guys, my bug is that whenever I get hit/an enemy swings at me, the screen goes completely wacky, interposing an image of a previous viewed asset (like the floor, or a wall) and then cuts back to my position in the game. All the moves work, it just seems to be something with the camera as I get hit or am swung at.

I can provide a detailed mod list, but that would take forever. I basically just did a clean install and followed this guide exactly http://knotstheinane.blogspot.com/p/oblivion-modding-guide.html.

Does anyone know what could be causing this strange problem?
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chloe hampson
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:36 am

set skycaptainsSb.flipKey to 43			;dodge key, the variable name is simply old, 43=z-key

Z is 44, not 43. Also you can ignore everything after the ";", that's just the comments and doesn't affect the setting. As for your crashes, could be mod conflicts. Does it still happen if only DR6 is active?

Hey guys, my bug is that whenever I get hit/an enemy swings at me, the screen goes completely wacky, interposing an image of a previous viewed asset (like the floor, or a wall) and then cuts back to my position in the game. All the moves work, it just seems to be something with the camera as I get hit or am swung at.

Hrm, that's new to me, no clue what to suggest. Any chance of a screenshot? http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=know_how_to#PostYourLoadOrder is easy really, do that and we'll see if someone can help sort this out.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:07 pm

Z is 44, not 43. Also you can ignore everything after the ";", that's just the comments and doesn't affect the setting. As for your crashes, could be mod conflicts. Does it still happen if only DR6 is active?

no, other mods must conflict :( I have broken my Oblivion again :(
it it will be a great if someone make a good conflict detector...
but thanks for reply! :)
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:03 am

ehh, I can't edit earlier post, so here is my load-order:
Oblivion.esmCobl Main.esmTamrielTravellers.esmKvatch Rebuilt.esmCM Partners.esmHorseCombatMaster.esm!Oblivion_PL.espDLCShiveringIsles.espImprovedSigns.espEnhanced Economy.espCrowded Cities 30.espChoices and Consequences.espDropLitTorchOBSE.espPurge Cell Buffers - Loading.espDLCHorseArmor.espDLCOrrery.espDLCVileLair.espDLCMehrunesRazor.espDLCSpellTomes.espAdonnays Classical Weaponry.espMODAssassinsCreed2_Revisited.espMandBSwords.espRealSwords - Nord HI-NPC SI.espRealSwords - Redguard HI-NPC.espUFF & ROBERT Assassin Elite Armor.espDLCThievesDen.espCobl Glue.espCobl Si.espTamrielTravellers.espTamrielTravellersFactionAll.espTamrielTravellersItemsCobl.espTamrielTravellersItemsUnscaled.espShiveringIsleTravellers.espShiveringIsleTravellersFriendlyFactions.espBetter Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.espDefenders of Cyrodiil.espGoing Rogue.espHeroes of Cyrodiil.espHeroes of Cyrodiil Part 2.espHeroes of Cyrodiil Part 3.espHeroes of Cyrodiil Part 4.espHeroes of Cyrodiil Part 5.esp300_White Stallion 4.espKvatch Rebuilt.espSMChorrol.espSno_DB 1.0_Full Version.espDLCFrostcrag.espKnights.espP1DkeyChain.espVtoy.espSMVtoyCross.espMidasSpells.espNo psychic guards v1.2.espSP1stPLegs.espCM Partners.espCM Partners Special NPCs.espCM Partners NPC.espCM Partners More NPCs.espCM Partners Marker NPCs.espCM Partners Extra NPCs.espDeadlyReflex 6 - Combat Moves.espRealTime.espDeadlier Sneaking [Unofficial Lesser] 1.0.espSamurai in Cyrodiil.espLL-FinalHonor.espCliffEdgeHouse.esp

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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:52 pm

Would be a good idea to put spoiler tags around your load order. Also highly recommended that you install the unofficial patches. Hmm, majority of your mods look fine, a few unknown to me. Vtoy.esp belongs to Claudia's Little Secret, yes? Think that's incompatible with DR, you'll have to check its topic at the Nexus. Can't think of anything else, sorry if it doesn't help.
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:28 pm

Found http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/154683-starx-vampire-deaths-improved/page__view__findpost__p__2662926 over at Nexus, apparently one solution is use Supreme Magicka to turn off DR's magic effects. I'd imagine that's not ideal though. I wonder if http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21565 have a conflict too? That's what I'm using but haven't seen anything odd, but that could be because I've not triggered a fire critical on vampires with DR.

Thanks. I tried loading StarX Vampire Deaths.esp after DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp (BOSS places it before) but that didn't help. Guess it's a combination of me getting elemental criticals via DR5 every other hit and StarX Vampire Deaths.

Guess the SM setting is

Set zzSMQuest.bAutoDeadlyReflexComp to X, which I have on 1. I'll try setting it to 0 and see what happens.

Hey, that fixed it - and it also seems to have fixed my other issue with getting elemental criticals from DR every other hit. Didn't even know about the SM setting. Now if only could get Light of Dawn to count vampire deaths made with DR melee criticals... Anyway, thanks again! :)
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:37 pm

Cool, something for me to remember. :)
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james kite
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:43 am

I'm having some serious clipping issues with Deadly Reflex 6. For example, when I walk up to a corner or a wall, I can sometimes see through. Also, when I pull back my bow, my hand and arrow disappear. I have fneardistance set to 0.00, and I have no other animation mods.

Here is my load order:

Let me know if I'm being vague, I just don't know what else to supply in a bug report. :confused:
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:22 am

About the camera problem, I might have kinda solved it... while possibly breaking something else, but I'm not sure about that, which is why've come here to ask...

But let's start from the beginning. A few hours ago, I was inspired to reinstall Oblivion along with a few terabytes of essential mods, which, it goes without saying, included Deadly Reflex at the top of the list. After I installed its current version, however, the strangest things started happening. First, the 1st person camera decided to disconnect from my character's point of view and stubbornly stay three feet above her head... which wouldn't have bothered me terribly much, since I mostly play in the 3rd person view anyway, but unfortunately it seemed to affect the third person too, making aiming and interacting with the environment pretty much impossible.
Worried, I deactivated the mod and checked again, but strangely, the issue persisted even after starting a new game, which struck me as rather disconcerting. Seeing that it wasn't the esp files' fault after all, I decided to take a look at the skeleton nifs and see if replacing them would do anything to solve the problem, yet even in spite of trying a few different ones (originally Growlf's Universal Skeleton, then Coronerra's and eventually even that 'http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36684' I found on TESNexus), none of them managed to fix that peculiar issue. Having lost all hope and not really wanting to part with many other mods that required universally compatible skeletons (which the one attached to the mod did not seem to be), I resigned myself to the prospect of having to remove DR 6 and revert to its earlier version... but as I went through the files, throwing them to my bin, one last desperate realisation occured to me - that perhaps it wasn't the skeleton that was guilty, but the 1st person idles utilised by the mod.

I removed all of them and, miraculously... it solved my problem! I no longer have randomly crazy-acting camera, the crosshair is exactly where it's supposed to be and my character's eyes are no longer floating above her head. And I still can bash people, cut them in half, burn them to dust and even see the lovely blood-splatter on the screen as I indulge my unladylike lust for senseless violence. For now, everything seems to be working properly... but I still have these annoying little doubts bothering me - have I, by any chance, done something incredibly stupid and possibly troublesome by removing the first person animations? ^^'
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