Clean install of Oblivion to C:\Games\Oblivion, patched to 1.2. Dual monitors, but disabled one monitor per all the documented issues with dual monitors. Launched Oblivion to set my graphics settings and it launched correctly.
After that, I installed BOSS, OBSE 1.2, OBGE, OBMM and Wrye 2.92. Launched Oblivion and I would get the console window showing OBSE had launched and then nothing. Checking the Event Viewer showed that Oblivion.exe had faulted with an exception code of 0xc000000d (an access violation) at fault offset 0x005920f3.
I uninstalled everything and deleted all the left over directories. I then installed a clean copy of Oblivion in C:\Games\Oblivion and patched it to 1.2. It launched, I started a new game, played around for a few minutes and made a save, then bailed. I reinstalled all of the above utilities, tried to launch Oblivion and got the same brief glimpse of the console window for OBSE and then nothing. Checked the Event Viewer and found the same fault codes for Oblivion.
I then uninstalled and reinstalled Oblivion, patched it, and tested it. This started a long process of installing the above utils to see if I could identify if one of them was the culprit. Turns out it was Wrye Bash. I stumbled onto this by happening to install it last. I installed each of the utils and launched Oblivion in between and it kept launching. When I finally installed WB and it gave me the CTD it looked like it was the culprit.
I got rid of everything, reinstalled Oblivion and all of the utils except for WB. Put a bunch of mods in and played for a bit before realizing I really wanted to be able to use WB. I figured I'd try and troubleshoot it without all of the mods and other utils getting in the way.
So one more uninstall of everything and then a clean reinstall of Oblivion. Patched it to 1.2. Launched it, played it, made a save. I made a copy of the the C:\Games\Oblivion folder and a copy of the My Games\Oblivion folder and renamed them to both to Oblivion_test in their respective locations.
I then installed Wrye Bash 2.92 into the C:\Games\Oblivion folder. I used Wrye_Python_03a-22368.exe file (from TESNexus) to install the pre-requistes, then used the Wrye_Bash_292_--_Installer_Version-22368-292.exe to install WB. Everything installed correctly, and at the completion of the install I let the installer launch WB for me. It came up, showed the Oblivion.esm [1,1] in green and checked, the BashedPatch 0.esp green but unchecked. I closed WB and launched Oblivion.
The launcher menu appeared, I clicked Play and then nothing. I checked the Event Viewer and saw the same fault codes as always.
I then renamed the C:\Games\Oblivion to Oblivion_wrye and the My Games\Oblivion to Oblivion_wrye and renamed my _test directories back to just Oblivion, launched Oblivion and it launched just fine. For the heck of it, I kept the non-WB C:\Games\Oblivion directory and used the WB My Games\Oblivion directory and the game still launched correctly. I only get the "silent" CTD when using the C:\Games\Oblivion directory that has WB installed to it.
The BashedPatch was 0k and deactivated, so for kicks I went back into WB and created a BashedPatch using the suggestions from the Pictoral Guide. Tried to launch Oblivion and got the silent CTD with the same fault codes.
Any thoughts on what might be failing?