Well the reason why i am asking is cuz i am wondering if its possible to make the grass and bushes to be seen from a far like maybe double the range that is now with possible less details on them so it won't cuz too much fps drop, so anyone can do that or any of you guys know someone that can, cuz from the demo the grass and bushes were way too close to the char and everything else like 30 m from the char was flat land.
What I underlined... no I very very much doubt any modders will be able to do accomplish that, and also make it look like a nice seamless transition from high detail to low detail of grass.
PC users will be able to do is to increase the grass density and the grass distance, but not dynamically change its details. How much performance will we suffer from increasing this? We have absolutely no idea. Grass was a BIG fps killer in Oblivion so most PC users actually made the grass density and grass distance LOWER than vanilla, but then again Oblivion was horribly optimized.
Very much depends on how well optimized the Creation engine is so it can render lots of things. In my opinion, outlook is not very good, seeing what other games have been able to do technically compared to Skyrim... and seeing Bethesda's history and current situation with eh... technical & graphical stuff.
My best advice right now? Don't get your hopes up :confused: