This mod has nothing to do with Kingpix's Morrowind Overhaul, or trancemaster_1998's Morrowind rebirth, though it basically does the same thing.
This mod aims to remake the island of Solstheim from the Bloodmoon expansion, the towns, lakes, forests, interiors and even glaciers are being remade. With all these new province mods in the works the island has starting tohttp://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/41808-1296413411.jpg -but vurt's tree' and grass do help alot. I'm going to re-detail it to match the new standards set by other mods (ie: Skyrim-home of the nords), as-well as some new game-play additions and eye candy for your MGE shots.
new "stuff"
-missing snow bear and wolf shield, now added
-you'll now be-able to take the arrows out of the The Udyrfrykte (small, but realistic, sorta)
-fixes the fact that bloodmoon loot sometimes contains only 1 arrow, now there's more (just like srikandi's old mod)
-stops Bear Curiass clipping on females by using the groin slot. (felix's idea)
-alot or armor has bugs, but most are fixed in the code patch, so i probably wont be doing them until later, if i feel i should.
new Creatures
-more\better Rieklings
-more undead.
-Antares' Creatures
i'll be redoing most the animations.
so there's gonna be alot of new stuff to do, see and find! (alot to find

first map
(wont be compatible with later maps, they'll all be included in one download)
moesring mountains......100%
Hirstaang forest......................10%
version history:
map 1 is up!