Insane Mouse Sensitivity

Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:15 am

So, I've been having this problem for a while now, and because of it, I've never even played Oblivion that much. I seem to be the only person to have this problem so for the love of god somebody help me.

Whenever I start the game, everything runs fine for a few seconds on the main menu. Then whenever I move the mouse, the cursor will fly off into a corner. If I move my mouse incredibly slow, I can control it and start the game.

Same thing happens in game: Try to move the mouse and my character spins around and ends up usually looking straight up or straight down. If I move slowly again, It's somewhat manageable, but impossible to play like this for a long time.

I've tried setting the mouse sensitivity in-game on max/min, and setting the default windows cursor speed at max/min. I've made sure the .ini has bUseJoystick=0. I've tried it with VSync and Without, HDR or Bloom, just about everything I can think of. Nothing works.

Well, the only thing that works is to use an Xbox360 Controller. But if I wanted to do that, I would have just bought this on Xbox. Please, somebody, help me out here. I have no idea why the mouse flies around like it's possessed by some unholy force, but I just want to play the game! I've heard people going crazy over how much they love it and have spent hundreds of hours and I CANT EVEN GET OUT OF THE PRISON.

Edit: I doubt I'll be getting much support anyways, but I'm using the Steam GOTY Edition if it matters. Completely fresh installation.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:04 am

Are you using another driver that modifies sensitivity for your mouse, on top of the default Microsoft sensitivity control?
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:27 am

Are you using another driver that modifies sensitivity for your mouse, on top of the default Microsoft sensitivity control?

I don't believe I am, at least, I don't remember ever installing any other mouse drivers.

I seemed to get a bit more success(it didn't flail around as much) by forcing VSync and Triple Buffering from the Nvidia Control panel. It still does it in-game a bit, and it does it quite a lot in the menus(seems to increase the longer I stay in them.)

I'm probably wrong, but I'm starting to think that my mouse cursor might be running outside the game or something, and the game is trying to sync up to where it is by moving the in-game cursor. Or it could be something else entirely, no idea.

I'm using a generic HID-compliant MS mouse.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:49 am

Alright, managed to rummage around and find another mouse, a different HID-compliant MS one. It seems like there isn't any flailing in-game, but the problem still exists in the menus. Going to try and experiment with the VSync and then Triple Buffering.

Well, it seems that I've managed to remove the problem when I have direct control of the camera, but the mouse still moves unpredictably in conversations and in menus. Thankfully, I can just move using the arrow keys on the keyboard. The problem isn't exactly solved, and I'd love for someone to shed some light on this, but at least I can progress through the game.

Edit: And of course, after I say that, I try to follow the guards into the next area. It loads, then my screen goes black, my monitor goes into Power Saver mode and refuses to respond to any input, and I have to reboot my computer. Why does this game hate me?
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Post » Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:12 pm


I'm almost positive I was correct in assuming that it's due to a desync between my actual mouse cursor and the ingame one. When I started in windowed, I had both of these on screen, and when I moved the actual one, the ingame one slowly moved behind it, and a gap grew between the two.

So, the problem is that, and that the game cursor tries to fix this by making the ingame cursor jump all over the place to wherever the actual cursor is. Like when I move the actual cursor into the windows border, the ingame one will just hit the top off the screen instantly and jump all over the top edge.

Now, I just need some help figuring out how to fix it.

Edit: Turning b BackgroundMouse from 0 to 1(which I thought was supposed to make this problem occur in the first place) actually fixes it I believe! However, this only works in windowed mode, and seems to just make things the same or worse in Full Screen. Anyway to run the game in windowed mode but remove the borders? I know you can do this in Team Fortress 2 with the launch option -noborder, but that doesn't work for Oblivion.

Or is there some way to disable the windows cursor while ingame? Some program I could run?
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