1. Yes you can...Once you've finished the quest a beacon is left behind, and each time you go back to that location on your map and you are beamed back to the saucer by whoever's left of your merry band of revellers...
2. Umm, not sure about that...You can collect much ammo as you go around. If you then store it in a container within the hub that you return to after each section you may never need that option...But I've never bothered with the alien blaster anyways so I don't know...
3. It's long, much longer than Anchorage...And very samey...And once you go up you can't come down until it's finished...And then going back up to get your stuff over and over...Espescially as every time I came down there was a Deathclaw waiting for me...*sigh*...I actually abandoned my original character after many
many hours of playing because of it...Well, maybe that's putting the blame too much on Zeta, there were save problems and non happening weddings going on...But the nail in the coffin was this one...
Oh and that's all after I tried three times to get it to launch without freezing...Then there was a non-existant person glitch in the first section...Ayyy...
I'm sure many
other gamers had many joyously happy hours with it and loved it (it is gorgeously - if samey - designed), I'm just saying be sure about doing Zeta, because
I'm never doing it again... :brokencomputer: :biggrin: ...