Way too much magicka

Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:09 am

I'm having a rather odd problem right now, namely that my character suddenly has way too many magicka points. I just looked at my character sheet at some point and noticed that my character has 561 maximum magicka. If I remove the fortify intelligence belt or the fortify maximum magicka shoes that I wear, I can see the 268 magicka that my character should have flash for a split second before going back to the massively inflated value. I'm thinking that something with GCD went wrong, but I'm not really sure what to do about that if it is the case.

My load order:

Morrowind.esmTribunal.esmBloodmoon.esmTexture Fix 1.9.esmBloodmoon Landscape Overhaul 1.0.esmMorrowind Patch v1.6.5-BETA.esmWard of Akavir.esmBetter Heads.esmBetter Heads Tribunal addon.esmBetter Heads Bloodmoon addon.esmMorrowind Advanced.esmGDR_MasterFile.esmH.E.L.L.U.V.A._Merchant_Containers.esmPoorly Placed Object Fix 1.0.esmBTB - D2 Sound Spells.espDagger of Symmachus.espVivec_Voice_addon TRIBUNAL.espBTB - Unique Finery Equipment.espbarilzar_voice.espWindows Glow.espClean Morrowind_Cities_Unlocked.espClean Morrowind_Cities_Unlocked_TB.espClean Morrowind_Cities_Unlocked_BM.espClean Morrowind_Bandits_Unlocked.espabotTakeMyPlace.espHold it - replacer.espLGNPC_NoLore_v0_83.espDeadly Dagoths.espLgnpc_SN.espRacer assortment.espCreatures.espDN-GDRv1 (HFP Edit).espEcoAdjMerchantSkills (Disposition Edit).espNew Argonian Bodies - Clean.espNew Khajiit Bodies - Clean.espalmalexia armor.espPsy_UniqueDremora_T.espBetter Skulls.ESPIlly's Solsteim Rumour Fix.espPsy_IronMeshImprove_Uniques_BMI.esparvisrend - fixes - dialogue.ESPWestly_Presents_Unique_Winged_Twilights.espabotSiltStriders.espabotGondoliers.espExpansionIntegration_NoStalhrim_1.1.espVality's BC for Vurt's BC.espOwnership Indicator.espVality's Balmora for Vurt's BC.esparvisrend - fixes - objects.ESPTribunal Relighted.espBloodmoon Relighted.espMorrowind Relighted exVivec.esparvisrend - fixes - scripts.ESParvisrend - fixes - books.ESPCompanion Health Bars.espThird Person Crosshair.espVurt's BC Tree Replacer II.ESPDjangos Dialogue.ESPThe Neverhalls.espLGNPC_GnaarMok_v1_20.espJoin All Houses.espEBQ_Artifact.espadamantiumarmor.espLeFemmArmor.espLess_Generic_Bloodmoon.espMuseum of Artifacts Improved Expanded.espBook Jackets - Bloodmoon.espBook Jackets - Tribunal.espBook Jackets - Morrowind.espImproved Skilled Magicka.espGCD better balanced birthsigns.espMonsterous Variants.espmaster_index.espbcsounds.espentertainers.espDaggerfall Collection Ver 1.1 (BTB Edit).espDagoth Gares_Voice_addon v1.1.espDXM_masterindex_journalfix.espKey Replacer Trib & BM.espMissingBounds.espBetter Bodies.espUnique Banners and Signs.espSirLuthor-Tools.espAlmalexia_Voicev1.espNudity Greeting Expansion V1.espP.R.E. v4.0.espLGNPC_AldVelothi_v1_20.espLGNPC_MaarGan_v1_20.espLGNPC_HlaOad_v1_32.espsm_ForgottenHalls.espWelcome to the Arena! v5.0 (normal).espAnimated Morrowind II.espArea Effect Projectiles (PAR Edit).espVurt's Grazelands Trees.ESPQuieter_UI_Sounds.espService Requirements (BTB Edit).espQuick Char (Timescale Edit).espProtective Guards.espNX9_Guards_Complete.ESPIceNioLivRobeReplacerPLUS (BTB Edit).espBetter Clothes Complete (BTB Edit).espGCD v1.08 with Startscript, fixed [Galsiah].espAtmospheric Balmora for VBA.ESPWA_Signy_Signposts(!).ESPBTB - Alchemy.espLess_Generic_Tribunal.espEcoAdjCrime (Tresspass Edit).espGraphic Herbalism.espJAC_Jasmine.espLess_Generic_Nerevarine.espLGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_20.espLGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_20_suppl.espLGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_30.espLGNPC_TelMora_v1_20.espLGNPC_Khuul_v2_20.espLGNPC_VivecFQ_v2_10.espLGNPC_TelUvirith_v1_20.espLGNPC_SecretMasters_v1_30.espLGNPC_IndarysManor_v1_51.espNX9_Guard_LGTrib_patch.ESPMW_Adv_Required (BTB Edit).espThe Sable Dragon 1.6.espLGNPC_VivecRedoran_v1_50.espBTB - Settings (Alternate).espHELLUVA Balanced BTB.espMashed Lists.esp

Does anybody have any ideas?

Edit: I have a save from before it happened. The only real change that I made to my character in between that save and when this started happening, as far as I can tell, is that I removed the hortator's robe (constant effect fortify magicka 25). The fact that the enchantment was fortify magicka makes it suspicious, but why would removing an enchantment cause something like this?
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Add Meeh
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:30 am

I had a similar situation with a mage character I made awhile back using Birthsigns For Purists. Started the game with 300+ magicka.

I imagine there's some kind of conflict between your GCD birthsigns mod and BTB's settings.
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Jade Payton
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:01 am

I've determined that it's definitely related to the robe of the hortator. On loading my "pre-inflation" save, if I rest (or do anything else to make time pass) and then take the RotH off, my magicka inflates. If I take the RotH off before resting my magicka stays normal until I rest, at which point it inflates immediately upon waking up.

So I suppose I could avoid this problem by not wearing the RotH, but I need a way to safely remove it before I can do that. Any suggestions?
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chloe hampson
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:02 am

I've determined that it's definitely related to the robe of the hortator. On loading my "pre-inflation" save, if I rest (or do anything else to make time pass) and then take the RotH off, my magicka inflates. If I take the RotH off before resting my magicka stays normal until I rest, at which point it inflates immediately upon waking up.

So I suppose I could avoid this problem by not wearing the RotH, but I need a way to safely remove it before I can do that. Any suggestions?

That is definitely not normal. Perhaps mess with the enchantment on it in the CS? See what kind of effect that has? It's what I would do.

EDIT: Could you post your character stats? As in Race, Birthsign, all that jazz? I'm going to see if I can replicate your predicament.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:24 pm

I've determined that it's definitely related to the robe of the hortator. On loading my "pre-inflation" save, if I rest (or do anything else to make time pass) and then take the RotH off, my magicka inflates. If I take the RotH off before resting my magicka stays normal until I rest, at which point it inflates immediately upon waking up.

So I suppose I could avoid this problem by not wearing the RotH, but I need a way to safely remove it before I can do that. Any suggestions?

Take off all enchanted items and in the console: Set Gals_Reprocess to 1
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:11 pm

That is definitely not normal. Perhaps mess with the enchantment on it in the CS? See what kind of effect that has? It's what I would do.

EDIT: Could you post your character stats? As in Race, Birthsign, all that jazz? I'm going to see if I can replicate your predicament.

https://sites.google.com/site/mjusticesite/home/MGE-Screenshot-12m.png (don't ask me why it came out so ugly). Birthsign is the mage, so I get +0.5x magicka in addition to the +0.5x for being a Breton.

And while I was doing that, I noticed that I have the soul of Sotha Sil active as you can see in the picture. That could be causing problems, so I'm wondering if it might be worth trying to get that to go away during gameplay rather than while I'm resting. Would it be possible to mess with the timescale to make that happen sooner rather than later?

Take off all enchanted items and in the console: Set Gals_Reprocess to 1

Didn't work. Thanks anyway.

Edit: Well, I learned 3 things

1. Setting your timescale to 5000 is trippy as hell and is something everybody should try at least once.
2. Shrine bonuses are based on real time, not the game clock, unless you rest
3. After it finally occured to me to use dispel, I discovered that Soul of Sotha Sil (fortify magicka 5pts) was related, just as I suspected.

It looks like as long as I have at least one fortify magicka enchantment up, my magicka stays normal, but as soon as they're gone, it inflates. I suppose I could try to "fix" this by giving myself a permanent fortify magicka 1pt ability, but I'd prefer a complete fix.
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Abi Emily
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:47 am

Well, I started a new char modeled after yours, and these are my results:



Don't know that this helps.
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:25 am

2. Shrine bonuses are based on real time, not the game clock, unless you rest

They work like any other spell. The shrine activator casts a spell on you with a 2880 second duration.
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:26 pm

They work like any other spell. The shrine activator casts a spell on you with a 2880 second duration.

In other words, they're based on real time, not the game clock :tongue:

Giving myself a permanent 1pt ability keeps the inflation at bay, so at least I can keep playing until someone bursts into the thread with some blinding insight into why this is happening and how to fix it. Well, that's what I'm hoping will happen.
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