Time in TES Oblivion

Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:54 pm

Just a simple question. I have read posts from many people, some who have been playing for years and some who are new. That got me wondering. Since the game has an active clock, and hours, days, weeks, months and years can go by in the process of playing the game, does age/time affect how your character performs their skills? Do they get slower as age creeps up? does their agility suffer? You get the picture.

In case it does I have always started out with the youngest character I can make, but that may not be the best strategy...this is why I am asking the question.

How does the passage of time and/or age affect your character, if any? Thank you all for your help.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:49 pm

Aging does not affect your character at all. The only things that negatively affect your skills and/or attributes are diseases, spells,enchantments, poisons and prison time. Just for fun, I created a Breton character who committed so many murders that it took over 200 years to serve his sentence. He didn't look a day older after serving it and neither did the few surviving residents of Cyrodiil.

(And no, he never saw any dragons, nor did he hear about a civil war in Skyrim :P)
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