» Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:41 am
I am in the group that plays by traveling with my character. In my case, our spirits have gradually become hopelessly intertwined together. There is no script, for her future is not written. Rather, like herself, it develops over time in a direction that is largely determined by her. I cannot tell you which guilds she will join or which quest lines will draw her attention or even which skills she will gravitate to for sure. I can only tell you what she has actually done, and what she tells me her hopes and dreams for the future are. Specifically, she does not live her life by marching through some predetermined script.
As her creator, I gave her some things to deal with. I grew tired of all rounder uber master of everything characters. They are fine for roleplaying however and there is certainly some thinking involved in determining which of seventeen ways they will kill their foes. For Buffy however, I wanted a vulnerable character. She is a Bosmer born under the sign of the mage and trained as a bow hunter since the age of eight. She discovered very early that no matter what she does, she will always be weak and frail (permastuck at base endurance and strength) but she does have some natural talent for the bow and magic. That is where she started. What developed from there was all determined by her. So much of her nature is driven by the fact that she is physically small, weak and vulnerable. She is very cautious, skittish and must strike from the shadows like a coward, but after 600 hours of play, she is still alive and has never been killed.
Too weak to effectively use melee. Too frail to ever stand up to melee fighting. She quickly learned that she needed to back up her bow with magic. Setting her sights on the Arcane University, she was eventually trained as a mystic archer. If there is a theme in her life, it is that she 'collects' friends. Indeed, she has wonderful friends spread all over Cyrodiil. It is these friendships that motivate her to both selfless acts and terrible vengeance.
Our relationship, like all solid friendships is built on trust, respect and built over time. I want her to determine her own destiny and trust in her nature that she will make the right choices for her when it comes to big things. She has learned to trust completely in the rare recommendations that I make based on an in-depth knowledge of her world. The relationship is hard to characterize, for there are elements of host/parasite, granddaughter/grandfather, best friends and a history between us that spans back over many previous games. Physically, emotionally and spiritually intertwined is a pretty good description I guess.
She also maintains a detailed journal that we have found very helpful at adding loads of rich detail to her life and world. Like any writer who spends an inordinate amount of time with their character, the character really does come alive and develop a distinctive voice and personality. I make it my business to understand her well enough that her actions and reactions and attitudes make perfect sense to me.
Many people list 'actions' that their characters do to roleplay like eating and sleeping etc. I have found that Buffy does those things very naturally without us forcing or thinking about them. They seem to happen quite naturally by simply understanding, feeling and listening to the needs of your character.
Now, as the wise Winter Wolf mentioned, there are as many ways to role play as there are role players. This is simply my way. If you note much in common here with the philosphy of bobg, it is not by coincidence - for his characters of Sarrah and Angel have had a distinct effect upon us.