For textures,it depends on your tastes.The best looking texture world replacer is Qarl Texture Pack III,and you can choose among the full version,the redimized version(reduced and optimized,I see no loss in quality,except for a wall in skingrad which looks a little different from the original version but is still high res!),the reduced version,and the further reduced version.Just search qto3 on planet elder scrolls/tesnexus
Alternatively,you can get Vibrant Textures(vanilla texture size,just more detailed because of bomret detailed normal maps and the textures colors are different and way better than the vanilla ones) and add Really Textured Normal Maps.In this way you get the awesome normal maps from really textured normal maps and bomret normal maps will cover what RTNM doesn't cover yet.
As for overhauls,I can suggest!Lots of users say that is stable and not bugged(or at least you won't notice bugs ^^).Othewise you can check OR