Decimation DLC - How are the match wait times?

Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:24 am

I have a love/hate relationship with this game* and I'm tempted to get the new maps, but I don't want to flush money down the drain - which I will be if I can't find a match on any of them. Does it find matches any quicker than Retaliation (where wait-times are frankly unacceptable) or is it even worse? Do matches fill up?

Cheers for the answers.

*love the game; hate the inconsistent connections/broken lobbies/frustratingly useless migrations.
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:40 am

Apparently some people are having no problems finding games, I however have the same problem I did with Retaliation where I could wait a few minutes and not have anyone join at all.

I know it's nothing to do with my setup, I have open NAT, my Xbox is in a DMZ, wired connection, 20ms ping, 20mb download/2mb upload and no problems this bad on any other games online.
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:39 am

Lots of info here dude
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:35 am

@ Disco:

Your Xbox is an DeMilitarized Zone?

And as to the waiting times: Horrible. Either there are no people playing, or everyone I ever played with had chosen to avoid me (which I guess is absolutely possible). The first two days I only got into matches after like three to five minutes, and then with people all across the globe and pretty much unplayable lag. Today it was slightly better, but I still had to wait for minutes, especially after the frequent lobby crashes...

As to my connection, wired, 16 down, 1 up, and I can play Battlefield with the whole world lagfree, even games like Crackdown 2 with a buddy on the American Westcoast, which is about as far away from me as you can geographically get (I'm in Germany).

If there were more people, the matchmaking were better and the game lag-free, I'd absolutely recommend the DLC, both actually, but unless they fix the netcoding, introduce dedicated servers or integrate Standard and DLC Maps (especially Retaliation gets boring quite quickly) into a single playlist option, it's a coin toss. If you're in the US, I'd say go for it (more people, hence more people playing). Europe, I'd say rather not.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:49 am

It took a few minutes for me to find a match last night around midnight US Central Standard time. I wasn't timing it, but it was less than 5 minutes. It was probably around 3 minutes and then it finally found me a match, but it was already going. Then, half way through the match the host migration kicked in. It worked for me and the few guys that stayed, but a bunch of the players either were lost or left during migration. However, when it finally migrated we finished the match with just me and one other guy on my team vs. three on the other team. We one by one kill. :p It was on apartments by the way. Crytek still has a lot of work to do on the game in general terms, but it works when it works.
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