First and foremost, i RP stealth characters. Love it... Love love love. One thing thats bothered me is the stealth detection in the game, especially by guards. Its like, once they found the corpse that i shot a minute ago, even if i havnt left stealth, they recognize that its some how mine and will instantly home in on me, even if i'm on a roof on the other side of the map.
I'm hoping that some one can point me to some cool stealth over hauls, and maybe something that modifies how NPC's detect stealth in a more realistic way.
Also, it would be cool if there was something that would make guards more realistic. The no psychic guard mod comes to mind, but i'm just curious if anything better has been made. I always hated when a guard would run up on me acting like he knew that i stole that fork from the dead guys house 2 towns away...
Last, i'm looking to make Oblivion a new experience again. Any sweet over haul mods for combat, or oblivion as a hole? Something to give it a fresh new feel would be sweet, but again i dont know what the good ones are.
Thanks for any aid in my search!
A copy paste set of questions was presented. I found them detailed and useful, so i'm attaching them here in the original post:
Have you played Oblivion already?
I have thousands of hours logged, but its been a few years.
What sort of things interest you?
Theft, Crime, Assassination, Stealth. The dark, dirty, violent side of Cyrodill.
What type of Character do you usually play? (good/evil, theif/mage, roleplayer/random-no-story-hack-and-slasher?)
I'm almost exclusively a stealth character. I like staying in the shadows, and wielding a long sword. I dont mind a quick scuffle or dance. I wield magic as a secondary weapon, to catch my enemies off guard with a sudden burst of spells, or to augment my own fighting capacity (restoration, buffs, night sight, detect life, chameleon.. the works).
I operate quickly and silently, and i like scuffles to be over with quickly. If something looks out of my league, i'll use poisons or other under handed methods to take it down.
Are there specific types of mods you think would interest you? (Quests, graphic mods, gameplay mods, overhauls, etc.)
Obviously, graphic mods. I have a super powerful computer compared to what oblivion needs, so i'm well interested in maxing out its visual capacity.
Gameplay mods are important. I like things that will enhance the skills and tactics that i need to use to do what i do, but only if they pay off for my extra effort.
I would also like something to make the game more... deadly. For every one. Not just me, not just the NPC. Fights to me are more fun when theyre short and brutal, and unforgiving.
When did you leave?
I started fading out of oblivion probably around 2007. I havnt played solidly since 2009.
What did you not like about Oblivion? What did Oblivion not have or need more of?
Guards... The presence of guards was never an issue for me. It was the way the guards behaved that was an issue.
Lack of items and equipment. Variety. Even pointless variety would be nice. I like seeing every one in different gear, using different weapons, good, bad, old, new... I'm certain more then a hand full of materials exist.
Level scaling enemies and rewards. I never liked having to be level 35 to get the best equipment. If i ACTUALLY managed to kill that bandit with ebony armor, he better well give it to me. I dont need my hand held, i know when enough is enough, and when its time to run.
I also hated that guards would chase you 3000 miles across land, sea, desert, and ocean just to kill your ass if you couldnt get away.
Male or female character?
Female. I generally pick up some beautification mods to make the faces/bodies look better, but i'm not particularly interested in explicit or graphic mods. I just like looking good.
Have you played Oblivion already?
I have thousands of hours logged, but its been a few years.
What sort of things interest you?
Theft, Crime, Assassination, Stealth. The dark, dirty, violent side of Cyrodill.
What type of Character do you usually play? (good/evil, theif/mage, roleplayer/random-no-story-hack-and-slasher?)
I'm almost exclusively a stealth character. I like staying in the shadows, and wielding a long sword. I dont mind a quick scuffle or dance. I wield magic as a secondary weapon, to catch my enemies off guard with a sudden burst of spells, or to augment my own fighting capacity (restoration, buffs, night sight, detect life, chameleon.. the works).
I operate quickly and silently, and i like scuffles to be over with quickly. If something looks out of my league, i'll use poisons or other under handed methods to take it down.
Are there specific types of mods you think would interest you? (Quests, graphic mods, gameplay mods, overhauls, etc.)
Obviously, graphic mods. I have a super powerful computer compared to what oblivion needs, so i'm well interested in maxing out its visual capacity.
Gameplay mods are important. I like things that will enhance the skills and tactics that i need to use to do what i do, but only if they pay off for my extra effort.
I would also like something to make the game more... deadly. For every one. Not just me, not just the NPC. Fights to me are more fun when theyre short and brutal, and unforgiving.
When did you leave?
I started fading out of oblivion probably around 2007. I havnt played solidly since 2009.
What did you not like about Oblivion? What did Oblivion not have or need more of?
Guards... The presence of guards was never an issue for me. It was the way the guards behaved that was an issue.
Lack of items and equipment. Variety. Even pointless variety would be nice. I like seeing every one in different gear, using different weapons, good, bad, old, new... I'm certain more then a hand full of materials exist.
Level scaling enemies and rewards. I never liked having to be level 35 to get the best equipment. If i ACTUALLY managed to kill that bandit with ebony armor, he better well give it to me. I dont need my hand held, i know when enough is enough, and when its time to run.
I also hated that guards would chase you 3000 miles across land, sea, desert, and ocean just to kill your ass if you couldnt get away.
Male or female character?
Female. I generally pick up some beautification mods to make the faces/bodies look better, but i'm not particularly interested in explicit or graphic mods. I just like looking good.