Potential DLC: Ranged Weapons

Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:22 pm

That doesn't work in Morrowind - as soon as it's shot, it's gone. But it was better in Oblivion, but still not properly done. Either Bethesda need the to make the draw action for the bow fast - really, really fast - have a de-nock button, or bring back crossbows and thrown weapons.

Fast animation's probably not gonna happen, as the trend is to make animation that *looks* good - a long, slow, dramatic pull back of the bowstring - rather than plays good (firing the weapon exactly when the player wants to fire it.) Crossbows probably aren't going to happen, either. De-nocking seems like the only likely solution, and if the modders have implemented it for both Oblivion and Morrowind, I think Bethesda would be fools not to implement it in vanilla Skyrim.

Err.. What I don't get is, why didn't you just shoot the arrow at your feet? Not in Morrowind, obviously.

Game balancing issue - the "firing the weapon exactly when the player wants to fire it" means that the player can turn his bow into a machine gun. In that regard, the devs would see the slow animation of the bowstring as better game play, because it doesn't make bows OP. I am hoping for a perk that decreases draw time slightly, but not to that extent.
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Kelly John
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:31 pm

I guess your main problem to start with is to suggest that we should have to DLC variety in the bows.

I dont want to pay $1.5, which actually ends up being 5 bones cause you can only buy microsoft points in certain intervals, just to shake up my bow.

I swear, whoever came up with the DLC idea is the richest and assholiest person ever associated with video games. Absolutely brilliant. How do you get a generation of gamers that have paid 50 bones for new games their entire lives to start paying 100 bones for the same games? DLC

As for you pokimon geners, i have nothing to say. You're weird

Don't write if you don't like what you read.

Whats the point of getting so mad with it?
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:14 pm

Shouldn't need to be DLC. Ranged weapons like varying types of bow and the abilty to throw your axe or sword shuold at this point in the series be a basic gameplay mechanic. I would like spears and throwing knives in the game. Cross bows and throwing stars would be welcome as well. As far as throwing rocks I would extend that to being able to use any item as a weapon and being able to throw it as a basic attack.

It does to me seem the game is unbalanced in favour of melee weapons and magic, whereas ranged weapons are kind of forgotten about
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