what to you think about the " living World " they have talk about ? I really hope they make a World the NPC`s work go shopping short said they life in there World normal but is this possible ? Look what a CPU Power on a XBox 360 or PC is need to realize this ? I this World life a lot of NPC`s an for all this NPC`s is need a lot of CPU Power for there Day Simulation so i think the living World is made like GTA4 or Saints Row... They do anything but without mind. A little remember to Oblivion... You come to the City any People stand there a talk about the Wetter and the Oblivion Gate is 20 feet away a normal reaktion is to run away into a House or to search for a good position for fight go behind a barrel an look what will happen or anything like this so i hope living World means to make action and reaction on thinks they happens. Sorry for my poor english but i hope you understand what i mean then some translation proofments with Google translation wasn`t good...
Best regards