:rolleyes: I'm always bad at choosing this sort of stuff, but I managed 4 choices...
Bravil Fighter's Guild: It just has a rugged "Fighter's Guild" atmosphere. I wouldn't expect a fighter-type environment to be all pretty and quaint (like some other FGs are). I also chose Bravil because I knew nobody else would.
Runner up for Fighter's Guild in my book would be ANY FG THAT WE CAN GET AWAY FROM THE DAMN PORTERS! So that does NOT include Chorrol or Bruma.
Chorrol Mage's guild: I just like the NPCs there. Angalmo is serious about his job. Contuminorious Florius is "in charge", although it's annoying that half the time he's nowhere to be found just when you need an item recharge. There's four levels to explore...I just like CMG for some reason.
Same goes with
Cheydinhal Mage's Guild. Again, I like the layout, the NPCs. I know them all by name. I like the huge amount of beds available (some in the basemant, too) which means there wont' be any of those awkward moments when my character winds up "in bed" with some other NPC. :yuck: Plus, you get to commandeer Falcar's room after he flees this particular guild.
Arcane University as well. Lots of resources right there. You can buy & sell a lot of stuff, harvest ingredients, make your spells and/or enchantments, get a devoted Apprentice to follow you around the entire world (good for the ego, ha ha).