Forum Game: Archetypes.

Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:03 am


Why hello there, thanks for stopping by!

The rules are simple. One poster will state a possible archetype for a character in oblivion, then the next poster will have to try the best to 'emulate' that archetype with their post, by making a character sheet - then, after they have done this, they will post an archetype. The next poster will try to emulate that archetype as best they can, and then they will post an archetype. The next poster - well you get the general idea.

Though, if you don't, here's an example:

Poster 1:


Poster 2:

Class Name: Barbarian
Race: Nord
Birthsign: The Wizard
Major Skills:Blunt
Heavy Armor
Light Armor
Minor skills worth leveling up:

Description: The Barbarian uses mainly blunt weapons, such as axes, clubs - anything which is big and large enough to smash someone's head in. He also uses a mixture of light and heavy armors, and focuses more heavily on movement than stanima in a battle. Though that's not to say he can't take a few hits - quite the contrary, he can be a tanky powerhouse of a character. However, isn't it better to combine both? Be able to soak up damage, but avoid as much as you can?

Gameplay: The Barbarian may only use Shield spells from alteration ('Dulling Pain' with anger.) Or Fortify strength/blunt skills from restoration (Going into a "Beserker Rage.") The barbarian may ONLY USE these two spells - unless, of course, you can think of more which would thematicly suit the Barbarian nature. An optional spell would be a 'Burden' touch spell, considered to be the Barbarian 'Stunning' or 'Hamstringing' the opponent.
Roleplay: No limitations apart from the aforementioned use of abilities. If you want to be strict, do not let him do the mages guild quests past the mandatory reccomendation questline so he can get his custom 'Dull Pain' and 'Beserker Rage' spells.

Use of spells: See limitations
Equipment: Mixture of heavy + light armor. Blunt weapons.
Playstyle: See limitations and description.
Next Archetype:


I hope you understand how this works now. If not, you are a FOOL, I say. A FOOL!

Here is the character sheet - don't feel you have to stick to this, it's just an outline for people:

Class Name:
Reccomended Race:
Major Skills:
Minor kills worth leveling(Optional):



Spell usage:

Make innotave use of spells and restrictions! What separates the playstyle of a warrior from a barabarian? A hitman and an Assassin? A huntsman or a Mercenary?
Try to use the game to fit the archetype as closely as possible!

Links to already done archetypes(Don't feel like you can't ask for the same archetype twice if someone's already done it! If a different person replies, it'll be interesting to see their take on the archetype.):


So, without further Aideu, here is the first Archetype!:

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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:44 am

Sorry, but no forum games :nono:
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Eduardo Rosas
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