» Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:46 am
Lucky guys. I didn’t even see the multiplayer screen.
When I had downloaded the Demo Crysis 2 I wasn’t able to login. I was saying: “Every new game (FPS) has some problems with multiplayer. I will wait and buy the game.”
Now it’s over two months and many people can’t login. I know you are working really hard, but its big problem. We are not talking about fix some over power weapon or add vote kick.
If you are not able to fix this, then just send us e-mail, like:
“Sorry we don’t care about your login issue”
“Wyjebali?my was bez wazeliny, a wy nam za to jeszcze p?acicie” (Polnish version)
PS. Cry-Adam if you can stick this topic, then just do it!
PS2. Yes, my English svcks.