Here is the list of mods I downloaded and the load order I have them in as it looks in Fallout Mod Manager:
Fellout With Lighting Overhaul-1.0.esp
Lighting Overhaul DOF ONLY.esp
Lighting Overhaul Interior ONLY.esp
Lighting Overhaual FULL-1.0.esp
Tactical Weapons by grs frederyck.esp
jay Damage & Weapons Overhaul (No Explosives) NO JAMMING.esp
jay Damage & Weapons Overhaul (No Explosives).esp
jaynus Ammo Overhaul.esp
jaynus Armor Overhaul.esp
jaynus Chem Loot Overhaul.esp
jaynus Big Booms v2.esp
jaynus Level Balancing (Int Enabled).esp
jaynus Hunger Thirst Sleep BETA.esp
jaynus Level Balancing.esp
jaynus New Weapon Integration.esp
jaynus Power Armor Overhaul.esp
jaynus Radiation Overhaul.esp
jaynus Sneak Overhaul (hardcoe).esp
jaynus Sneak Overhaul (Normal).esp
I know I should probably be using these mods from a new game and fresh start. I just don't feel like starting all over again. Thank you for your help.