How Strength determines how much you can carry, is your over all Strength, multiplied by 5. If your Strength is 15, then you can carry 75 pounds of stuff. If your Strength is 100, then you can carry 500 pounds of stuff. So, if you Perma-Enchant your armor/rings/necklaces with +10 Strength, thats 50 pounds more you can carry. I know I know, Feather is 49 points, which is 49 pounds, so whats the big deal right? Well, I perma-enchanted a bunch of Feather stuff to my character. On my Current Effects page, under "Feather" I have at least 4 "Enchant Feather 49 Points" spells that say "Enchant Feather 0 points" Somewhere along the line, a few enchants didn't take, making Feather a little weird to work with. Who wants to spend the time perma-enchanting 5 Feather's to their character, only to find out that 3 didn't take? So far, I have yet to see this problem with Strength.
And now or Magicka. Your total magicka is determined by your Intelligence x2 + Racial buffs (If any) + your astral sign. So if you have an Intelligence of 50, no racial buff, and the Apprentice Sign, you'll have 200 Magicka. (50 x 2 = 100, plus the 100 from the apprentice sign.) While I was trying to calculate just how much Magicka my character should have from her Intelligence alone, I got a bit mixed up, and came up with the wrong numbers. (According to my calculations, I should have 298 Magicka from my Intelligence, plus my Astral Sign. But I have 465 or so. And yes, I did subtract all of my Fortify Magicka stuff, and I saw nothing about a racial buff.) So since my math was iffy, I decided to just enchant something with +10 Intelligence, put it on, and see what happened. True to the formula, I gained 20 Magicka.Obviously that 20, is 4 points less then a Fortify Magicka enchant, making the Fortify, a better enchant if you're going for just "MOAR MAGICKAL POWAHZ!"
If anyone else know's of anything like this, feel free to post your findings! Is it better to use one type of enchant over another? Let us know!