Hello, I'm looking for something that will occupy my time from now until TES:V is released in November. I originally experienced Bethesda through the Fallout Series, but as a fan of Fantasy RPGs, Skyrim is my most anticipated game of 2011. I bought Oblivion about a year ago, and never really played it. By then the graphics were somewhat outdated, and I didn't know if I liked it or not. But now, even though I've only experienced a fraction of Oblivion's game play, I'm still not sure if I should play it. Is Oblivion's graphics/gameplay/mechanics too outdated to really compete with modern games such as F:NV? Should I occupy my time by giving Oblivion another chance, or should I simply play newer games until Skyrim is released?
Part of me thinks that playing Oblivion will be a great introduction to the lore and world of TES, but I'm divided about whether the outdated graphics and character models (yuck) will ruin the experience. I'm sure many of you think that I'm foolish to judge a game like Oblivion by its graphics, but as someone who has never played a TES game before I feel that it could break immersion or make me want to play something else.
In short, should I give Oblivion a chance? Or should I play a more recent game?