Should I Play Oblivion before Skyrim?

Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:36 am

Hello, I'm looking for something that will occupy my time from now until TES:V is released in November. I originally experienced Bethesda through the Fallout Series, but as a fan of Fantasy RPGs, Skyrim is my most anticipated game of 2011. I bought Oblivion about a year ago, and never really played it. By then the graphics were somewhat outdated, and I didn't know if I liked it or not. But now, even though I've only experienced a fraction of Oblivion's game play, I'm still not sure if I should play it. Is Oblivion's graphics/gameplay/mechanics too outdated to really compete with modern games such as F:NV? Should I occupy my time by giving Oblivion another chance, or should I simply play newer games until Skyrim is released?

Part of me thinks that playing Oblivion will be a great introduction to the lore and world of TES, but I'm divided about whether the outdated graphics and character models (yuck) will ruin the experience. I'm sure many of you think that I'm foolish to judge a game like Oblivion by its graphics, but as someone who has never played a TES game before I feel that it could break immersion or make me want to play something else.

In short, should I give Oblivion a chance? Or should I play a more recent game?
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:06 am

If you have Oblivion, then by all means, yes. I personally think the game is great. I've been playing it for about 3 years now and it still hasen't gone stale. But it really depends on your opinion, not mine.
Morrowind would be a great option too, I haven't played it, but I have heard that it's much better than OB (in terms of content and immersion, not graphics). But I strongly suggest you get Morrowind for PC, it doesn't run well on consoles, plus you have the advantage of mods, which you can use to enhance the graphics if it really bothers you.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:24 am

You should definately try it. The graphics may be dated, but this still my favorite game of this generation. So much freedom and fun exploring.
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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:46 pm

Play it,who cares about graphics...a good game is a good game.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:46 pm

Play it and don't look at the release date of skyrim.I'll buy the game for christmas because I am pretty sure that there will be bugs at the start and,since the game will sell millions of copies,the price could go down as they did with fallout new vegas.The price went from 49euro to 39euro two weeks after the release>_< at least here in italy.Btw I could be wrong about the amount of bugs when the game will be released;in fact,the new game engine could assure a lesser bugged game^^
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:37 pm

omg... i now finally understand what people meant when I said Morrowind had outdated grahpics. I've been playing this game for so long that I haven't even realise ;O. Its a really good game, and if you find graphics a problem then i really wouldn't try morrowind. Immersions good and all that, but the graphics stunk. Oblivions graphics are so-so, but if you can't get into Oblivion's game play or Morrowinds game play, then chances are you won't enjoy Skyrim.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:54 am

OP, I recommend you try it.

You should definately try it. The graphics may be dated,... So much freedom and fun exploring.

The game was super-cutting edge in graphics when it was released. It is still very beautiful, particularly with retexturing mods like Quarl's. The NPCs are not nearly as good as state of the art. But the vistas and landscapes and even dungeons are still very good, even by today's standards. So I doubt graphics will be an issue (they could be an issue with Morrowind, even with mods).

Oblivion is a huge game with lots to do and lots to explore and lots to learn about the world. I suspect much of the lore will provide good background for Skyrim.

I've been playing Oblivion off and on since it was released. And I suspect I will continue playing it after Skyrim is released, maybe once I get bored with Skyrim and want a change.
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victoria gillis
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:13 am

I still looks fantastic and is a very deep and fun game to play, explore and experience. Highly recommended.
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:58 am

Quarls Texture Pack.
graphics fixed.
play the game
and morrowind + morrowind overhaul
you're welcome
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:48 pm

Play it,who cares about graphics...a good game is a good game.

My sentiments entirley. Ocarina of time (13 years old) and Mario 64 (16 years old) are still 2 of the best games ever despite their very poor graphics by today's standard

Oblivion is one of the greatest ever and the graphics are aready dated despite it's only 5 years old, at this rate Skyrims graohics will be dated by christmas 2011
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:02 am

Let's not forget that it's reasonably easy to make Morrowind look like this:
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:30 am

OP, I recommend you try it.

The game was super-cutting edge in graphics when it was released. It is still very beautiful, particularly with retexturing mods like Quarl's. The NPCs are not nearly as good as state of the art. But the vistas and landscapes and even dungeons are still very good, even by today's standards. So I doubt graphics will be an issue (they could be an issue with Morrowind, even with mods).

Oblivion is a huge game with lots to do and lots to explore and lots to learn about the world. I suspect much of the lore will provide good background for Skyrim.

I've been playing Oblivion off and on since it was released. And I suspect I will continue playing it after Skyrim is released, maybe once I get bored with Skyrim and want a change.

Oh I definately agree, I still think its a beautiful game, but some others *cough*graphicswh0res*cough* would disagree with me; I'm sure :whistling:

Oblivion is still my favorite game of this generation and it's so easy to just start up another game session.
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:47 am

It's a beautiful game and I don't think you'll be sorry. You'll have a chance to pick up on the lore and have a background for what's coming. Skyrim isn't going to rely on what came before but I think you'll be glad you have that foundation. It was my first in the series and I just fell in love with it the first time I saw it at a friend's house. I'm in my 5th game now, each well over 300 hours. The price is way low now and there's a special anniversary edition coming out that has a $10 coupon off Skyrim included. It's just a huge bang for your buck and much better than what's on TV these days.

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