Where is your avatar now? --- Thread 2

Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:34 am

Where is your Avatar now?

A continuation of the recently closed popular topic, that first thread having reached its numeric limit.

My decrepit avatar and Vilja are currently paused just inside the Bravil City Gate, about to depart for the Archeology Guild Hall, there to report the loss of a much-needed manuscript.

Their having spent the night in Bravil was a fluke resulting from one of my avatar's notorious brain-farts. Upon discovering the manuscript's disappearance in Leyawiin he needed to carry the news to a bookseller in Bravil. Only, somewhere en route he became confused and, totally forgetting Bravil, continued on to Guild Hall (located very near Pell's Gate). He realized his mistake only when unable to find the Guild member who needed the manuscript, or rather an affordable transcribed copy.

What could we do but retrace our steps to Bravil? We arrived at 2030, found the bookstore still open, reported the theft, but felt it too late for further travel. My avatar treated Vilja to dinner at a local tavern then called it a day, finding berths for the both of them at the local Fighters Guild hall.

My avatar rose at around 0600 the following morning, awakened Vilja, grabbed a quick breakfast and, as mentioned, is about to depart the city.

That's my tale. Yours?

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marie breen
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:07 am

Shadow Foot is currently resting to take on the Gate Keeper in the morning, after a long and stressful day or listening to mad people, he's finally decided to explore this new area. Shadow Foot will do his usual style of sneaking in and taking a look at all the possibilities before making his choice with the Mad God, however he's still a tiny bit angry at me for making him swim across from Bravil to the strange floating isle - poor kitty can't get the sewage water out of his fur :(
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:19 am

I'll write about Cayo's latest mission once I feel a bit better from the bad cold I'm having :)
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:52 pm

My decrepit avatar and Vilja are currently paused just inside the Bravil City Gate, about to depart for the Archeology Guild Hall, there to report the loss of a much-needed manuscript.

- snip -

That's my tale. Yours?


Sounds like a long day!

Maia the Silver Knight, having successfully rescued Dar-Ma from the caverns of the corrupt townspeople of Hackdirt, is currently in Chorrol. A very thankful Seed-Neeus was overjoyed to be reunited with her daughter. The rescue went off without a hitch, but lingering concerns about the semi-ruined town and the rumors of "Deep Ones" have Maia planning a return trip to the caverns, for evil is clearly afoot.
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:38 am

Right now Tommy is sitting in Benirus Manor, shortly after lifting the curse, drinking some Tamika Vintage 399. After taking a sip of Tamika's West Weald Wine for the first time, he quickly fell in love with the beverage and when he actually met Tamika he was honoured by how humble she was.
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:23 pm

Nine-Toes is currently helping out the villagers of Cropsford. when he left the Drunken Dragon inn he got lost trying to find his way to the Imperial city and had no idea which way was North. instead he ended up with the cropsford villagers, but they told him he had just to continue the road. in return he decided to get rid of the goblins.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:59 am

http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1158604-your-character/page__view__findpost__p__17928714 is currently having a well-deserved rest in her home, Aleswell Cottage, with friend-that-is-more-than-a-friend Vilja.

It's well-deserved because, the day before, Gwen and Vilja returned home only to be attacked by an Argonian Necromancer from behind their humble cottage. He was quickly dispatched, but Gwen and Vilja were both worried about his aggression given how close Fingerbowl Cave was to their home--literally a stone's-throw away. They agreed they needed to take action, and both geared up and went inside to clear the cave out. Neither were surprised to find many more Necromancers inside, but they were surprised by the abundance of undead. Both of them saw undead abominations unlike anything they had seen before. Somewhere along the line, as they descended deeper into the cave, Gwen and Vilja became separated, furthered after Gwen fell off a fallen log that hung over a chasm, preventing her from turning back! This was quite a big deal, since, despite having fought solo before, Gwen had not seen solo combat since she had first come to Cyrodiil, her stealth skills weren't what they once were, and her bow felt insufficient against the horde of undead they have fought already.

Slowly, but surely, Gwen made her way forward, fighting off headless zombies, armored skeletons, and a couple of ghosts. Finally, she saw an enemy Vilja had warned her about at length, but that she had never encountered personally: vampires. She saw two, a female Orc and a male Dunmer. It was clear that the Dunmer was the more powerful of the two and much stronger. They had not seen her yet, so she took her time to wait for them to move away. Once she felt certain she could move forward to the trap door ahead without being seen, she made her move. Unfortunately, she did so at the exact moment that the Orc vampire turned the corner to spot her attempted escape. Gwen quickly retreated back the way she came. She attempted to shoot a couple of arrows at the Orc, but was far too nervous to get a clean shot, and ended up tripping over the body of a previously slain zombie. The Orc closed in, and Gwen quickly hurled a few fireballs into the vampire's face. Her skin burned and she screamed, giving Gwen enough time to pull out a few arrows and shoot them into the Orc's throat. The Orc screamed, fell backwards, and burned to a skeleton.

Gwen then made her way back to the trap door, made sure the Dunmer was not in sight, and went through. After a quick re-evaluation of where she was, she was able to find Vilja. Vilja was badly hurt, and her armor was mostly broken. It was clear she was unable to fight anymore. Gwen demanded they head back home, and half way back through the cave, she told Vilja of the vampires. Vilja stopped Gwen and insisted that she go back and kill the last vampire, stating that he would merely raise the dead again, repopulate the cave, and not only that, but when finding his dead Necromancer and vampire brethren, would wage war on their home and on Aleswell. Gwen, knowing Vilja was right, made sure Vilja was safe and comfortable before returning to the vampire's lair. She knew this fight would be more difficult than the Orc, seeing as the Dunmer's natural resistance to fire would off-set his vampiric weakness to it. She quietly made a couple of poisons for her bow before managing to sneak attack the Dunmer with an arrow to the back. The Dunmer vampire roared at her and pulled out an enchanted sword. Despite her better judgment, Gwen hurled a few fireballs at the Dunmer, which he just seemed to shrug off and continued his attack. Gwen attempted to block his sword with her bow, and was mostly successful...up until her bow broke under a powerful swing. Gwen staggered backward and quickly took out a silver dagger she had been keeping for just such an occasion. She hurled one last fireball at the Dunmer as a distraction before lunging forward and stabbing him in the heart with the dagger. The Dunmer screamed, fell backward, and just as the Orc before him, burned until only a skeleton remained.

With the fighting finally over, Vilja and Gwen left Fingerbowl Cave, and the next day, for good measure, Gwen put out the glowing white fires in front of the cave and boarded up the door so that none would soon move back in.

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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:31 am

I'm confused (as usual, lol). By "avatar" are you talking about the picture to the left of each post? Or are you talking of whatever character is being played at the moment?

My avatar is Arielle Jurard, an inhabitant of the Brinna Cross Inn just north of Anvil. Yes, I looked all that up on UESP, it's been awhiel and i forgot her name and where she actually dwells. :lol: My character, on the other hand, is nowhere. :( Not playing today, yet. Maybe that will change, though.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:49 am

I'm confused (as usual, lol). By "avatar" are you talking about the picture to the left of each post? Or are you talking of whatever character is being played at the moment?

True. And Decrepit, if you′re gonna make a follow-up thread to mine and call it Thread 2, you must have the exact same title as mine had :thumbsup:
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:53 am

Oh, stop complaining, you evil guys :lol: Just write about your chars and it'd be OK.

I've already written about 30 lines of my next chapter, and it's only the introduction....it's pretty mind-boggling to think and translate an entire story, so bear with me :)
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:05 am

Are you European, Benrahir? Maybe in England (or whever you're from) they use the word "avatar" for "character"? :shrug: It's not a biggie, either way.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:47 am

Are you European, Benrahir? Maybe in England (or whever you're from) they use the word "avatar" for "character"? :shrug: It's not a biggie, either way.

Spanish. And well, "avatar" is not uncommon here. Besides, it's a http://buscon.rae.es/draeI/SrvltConsulta?TIPO_BUS=3&LEMA=avatar, so it saves us time by not having to translate it :)
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:04 pm

Elberond (friends call him "El") and Raxle Harmevus (friends call him "Rax") are currently exploring an Ayleid ruin called Lor Rahtan (Ayleid for Dark Reach). It's a most unusual ruin. It seems to exist in two states: Light and Dark. El and Rax have discovered that they must shift between the two in order to progress through the ruin. Since progress is difficult, they've been forced to abort their exploration several times. This is their sixth expedition into Lor Rahtan. So far, they have encountered a number of undead creatures within: Skeleton warriors and archers, Liches, Wraiths and a Zombie here and there. Their most remarkable discovery has been some odd stones that seem to have random effects (sometimes beneficial, sometimes detrimental and occasionally both) when used. They intend to discover what other mysteries this ruin holds.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:17 am

Spanish. And well, "avatar" is not uncommon here. Besides, it's a http://buscon.rae.es/draeI/SrvltConsulta?TIPO_BUS=3&LEMA=avatar, so it saves us time by not having to translate it :)

Ah. Well carry on then.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:31 am

Elysia Spellbearer has just finished a gruelling battle with a vampire matriarch.

She wandered into a ruined fort and was surprised to find that her first enemy was a towering golem of flesh, frozen into an almost crystallized form. Disgusted and repulsed, she quickly put the thing down, thinking this to just be the work of some despicable necromancer, she pushed onward. What a surprise, then, to be attacked by a group of vampires! Having never seen these beings before, but being knowledgeable to recognize them - the pale, blank stares. The ghost-white skin - she was reasonably frightened. However, Elysia is a tough girl, and a nord on top of that. And if there's one thing about Nords, is that they know how to take care of themselves.

She charged into battle head-on, casting a few shield spells to protect her - she managed to deflect most of their blows with ease, however, one of them had an enchanted longsword which set her armour ablaze. Fortunately, her shield stopped her from becoming too damaged by the fire, and she pressed the attack, killing both of the vampires in quick succession with a flurry of sword-swipes and flaming touches. After looting the room and finding a few potions, she continued onwards, before hearing a cry from further in:

"We have an intruder! Elgur, don't just stand there you meat-head! Take your mutts and kill her, or I swear I'll just slay you and do it myself!"

A chorus of bloodthirsty howls, growls and barks sounded in the empty, decrepit passages - and a terrible sense of dread overcame Elysia. Things were about to get very messy.

Casting another shield spell to protect herself, she decided it was time to pull out her backup weapon - an enchanted dwavern dagger that she had procured from an alyied ruin on one of her many misadventures, and had been saving for a situation like this. Then they were on her: A group of savage, bloodthirsty wolves - bigger than you can imagine, with fangs an inch long and pelts as black as night, horrible, acrid drool frothing from their feral mouths in anticipation of fresh meat. And, leading them, was another vampire - an orc, this time, hauling a massive, two-handed war-hammer.

"Gods..." Elysia managed to mutter before she was swarmed - Raising her shield and batting a few of the wolves away, she was pushed backwards - saved only by her shield spell and her shield itself, she managed to get a lucky shot in on the vampire, who now had a freshly cauterized lightning-touched wound. One more shot and the foul beast went down - leaving Elysia alone with the wolves. Being continuously staggered by their assault didn't leave much room for her to manoeuvre, but she managed to take them down eventually, the enchanted dagger serving her well.

Panting and weary, Elysia had just enough time before the wily, spiteful voice called out again:

"Do I have to do EVERYTHING myself? Pah! No matter, they were worthless excuses for vampires anyway - that orc was but a mere child compared to me! Expendable. Come now, child! Don't keep me waiting..."

The logical thing would of been to run at that point: to admit defeat - she knew that this vampire was a matriarch - the way she spoke and commanded the others like pawns. She had heard many tales about how powerful they were, and how spiteful their years of torment had made them. She knew she couldn't stand much of a chance. But she was a NORD, and a BATTLEMAGE at that. When your pride is on your sleeve, when your blood screams at you to fell your enemies, when you have been trained for battle and mastered both the blade and magic, when your honour lies in your armour and sword -


And so she charged around the corner, sword unsheathed, teeth gritted and battle-cry readied at the back of her throat, her hands dancing with magical energy. She raised her weapon, yelling to the gods -
And was immediately struck down by a spell which almost drained her of all her life, pitching to the floor in a heap of smoking armour, she coughed harshly, her ribs crackling under the effort of breathing. Were it not for her magical barriers she would of most likely been killed.

"Oh my, what a brave warrior we have here - so strong, so proud and noble - such barbaric blood, too! Though I've seen you, magister. I wonder how your ancestors would of appreciated you learning magic? When your ancestry encourages you to follow the path of the blade?" The matriarch let out a shrill giggle, her voice piercing Elysia's ears as she tried to bring herself around. "They'd be disgusted, I bet. It's a shame, such barbaric blood, tainted by scholarly. I'll still revel in drinking it, though..." She leant down, bearing her fangs - Elysia saw them glisten in the dull candle-light. Saw the crimson blood-stains on the walls glisten, a trophy of her previous kills. Imagined her own fate at the hands of this witch...

"You talk too much." Elysia murmured, roaring as she rose to her feet - she rammed her shield into the startled matriarch, and then let loose with a spray of flame, causing the Matriarch's wailing to echo around the cavern as she was backed into a corner. As the fire dulled and spat out, Elysia was assaulted with spells of all kind - barely able to even stand up to their power. It was a struggle of who would tire first - the Matriach could not move because she was against the wall, with a raging Nord in her path - and Elysia could not kill the Matriach because of the debilitating spells causing her strikes to miss, or not hit with the full force she intended them to.

The battle raged on for minutes - both fighters were in a stalemate - Elysia exhausted herself, pushing herself to her limits. Her arms were aching, her brain fried, her lungs bursting with the effort that it took to keep going - she was relatively sure she almost died many a time - only saved by a swiftly-drunken potion or a well-timed restoration spell. She even summoned a frost golem using a scroll that she had found in an alyied ruin - and slowly, but surely, the Matriarch waned, perishing in a shrill, siren's shriek - bursting in an cataclysmic explosion of flames before disappearing into a cloud of ashes.

And then there was silence, pure, unadvlterated silence. Elysia collapsed to the ground - conscious, but not. Sleep, that's all she needed. Just. Rest.

She wasn't sure for how long she remained like that - it could have been hours, days, months, years for all she cared. Eventually, she managed to stumble to her feet, her legs barely supporting her. She felt like her bones would just crumble at any moment, unable to support her body any longer - almost as if they would just crack and turn to ash as the Matriarch had. She managed to draw on some strength after replenishing herself with a potion - though it was only a temporary comfort. She staggered outside the fortress, and into the dawn's sun, a warm smile spreading across her face as she saw how the daylight filtered through the swaying leaves - how it shone and cast itself gently upon the morning dew. And she realised how thankful she was for life, and she realised that she would never waste it in the name of honour again.

(( She died constantly throughout that fight :L I had to quicksave and reload her numerous times - I don't play dead-is-dead, mostly due to the fact that I have OOO installed and it's VERY easy to die. ))
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:54 pm

Nice story. I've liked it, fellow Battlemage :) Let me guess...that dungeon is from "The Crimson Queen" mod, isn't it?

And she realised how thankful she was for life, and she realised that she would never waste it in the name of honour again.

"Only those ones who love their own lifes more than anything else and that they are still ready to put themselves into danger for the sake of others are truly brave"

Plus, you can be a scholar and a Warrior at the same time. There's nothing that can stop you to do so, despite the typical stereotypes...
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:18 pm

Nice story. I've liked it, fellow Battlemage :) Let me guess...that dungeon is from "The Crimson Queen" mod, isn't it?

"Only those ones who love their own lifes and that they are still ready to put themselves into danger for the sake of others are truly brave"

Plus, you can be a scholar and a Warrior at the same time. There's nothing that can stop you to do so, despite the typical stereotypes...

Nope, it's not actually :L It was just a random dungeon I waltzed into which had a Matriarch in it. I'm running OOO 1.33 so it was a much higher level than her.
And you can, which is what she belived. Ask her father and he would of told you a different story though.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:03 pm

Nope, it's not actually :L It was just a random dungeon I waltzed into which had a Matriarch in it. I'm running OOO 1.33 so it was a much higher level than her.
And you can, which is what she belived. Ask her father and he would of told you a different story though.

Then you would love that dungeon :) It makes that very same experience more loyal to what you've told, and much more....gory :) I suggest looking for it in TESNexus.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:45 am

My decrepit avatar and Vilja, having fully explored a yet another mysterious Spire, reentered wilderness Cyrodiil to a pitch-black sky. Deeming it too late to return to the Archeology Guild, they instead traveled the short distance to Fort Akatosh, there to pass the night. They are now in one of the fort's barracks preparing for bed. On the morrow they will continue on to the Guild hall and report their discoveries inside the Spire.

My avatar is beginning to experience pangs of guilt over neglecting his Road Patrol duties to participate in what he considers little more than the pastime of a 'gentleman of leisure'. It be true that at this stage of his post-incarceration career he could indeed be classified a 'gentleman of leisure' were he so inclined. His sense of duty to and ingrained belief in the preservation of the Empire and its institutions is too entrenched for that. Nor does he wish to fade too far from the public eye, lest his contributions be forgotten and folk began to regard him as the man who never served out his full prison sentence.

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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:58 am

EEP! Double post.

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Sarah Kim
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:41 am

Heading to Bravil to rob houses, by way of the Faregyl Inn (Having nicked all the wine) She will now proceed to steal pointless items and hopefully not get caught. The life of a compulsive thief is often a complicated one.
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:27 pm

After taking his morning swim in the Niben Bay, Sar'jmah the Argonian hunter, watching the sun rise slowly as he rest on the banks, had a meal consisting of fresh Venison, an apple, and an ale. After his hunger had been satisfied and his scales dried off, Sar'jmah slid into his huntsman leather pants, his fur boots, and his shirt. It was time to set out for the day. Today's destination would be Cheydinhal. He has an appointment with his employer, Ocheeva. Sar'jmah is eager to meet with his boss once more. Her enticing qualities always have this Argonian yearning for her. On his way to the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary, Sar'jmah happens upon the Daedric shrine of Vaermina. He inquires about the shrine to the priest, who instructs Sar'jmah to bring an offering of a black soul gem in order to gain audience with the Daedric goddess. Sar'jmah had not the time to go searching for one of these gems, as he had to get to the sanctuary and notify his beloved Ocheeva that his contract had been fulfilled a few days ago. Presently he is trekking through the woods to the sanctuary, mind racing thinking about what wonderful reward Ocheeva might give him this time.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:28 pm


Another day, another briefing...

Cayo was standing still http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/229639-1308685500.jpg (a fellow Legion Infantry Captain) near the map table of Fort Akatosh HQ, both waiting for the General to show up. It was 10 AM already, and the General was still in his private room. Cayo knew that he usually doesn't have the habit of getting up early. "Soldiers bleed and generals snore", Cayo said once to his friend, not long after he joined the Legion. "When you have got up early every single day of your life, you end up getting bored of doing it, don't think so?", Albecciu replied. That memento made Cayo smile. They have fought together many times and succeded in many missions in the past, and there is a lot of confidence between them.

"What do you think our next assignments will be about, Al?

"I don't know for sure, Cayo. But we have just received some reports of trouble appearing by the mountains east of Cheydinhal. Several sheperds have spotted some strange creatures appearing near their homes as soon as the night falls, along with several..*knights* in full armor which seemingly lacked a bit of flesh beneath their helmets, according to the sheperds' descriptions. Looks like somebody is toying with undead thingies again. You know, rotten copses, walking piles of bones, that sort of cuddly things"

"Well, that'd explain why I'm here", Cayo sighed, then smiled to his friend. He always liked his dark, pessimistic-flavored humor. "The General seems to love to put me inside every existing tomb, catacomb or crypt of this province. I'm sure I would even be able to write several books about Necromancy by now, if I wanted to"

"You better wait until your retirement to do it, my friend", Albecciu laughed. "I doubt our Commanders would like those books very much"

"Maybe those books could help resurrect the guts of some of them", Cayo replied, a bit harshly. Albecciu sighed, and stared at Cayo with his usual "Please, don't do crazy things" look. It was no secret to him that Cayo has always complained about their commanders hesitating too much on all their attack plans, and not usually entering in combat themselves along with their troops, not even from far away of the front line with the bad excuse of having to supervise the battle. Albecciu understands his friend' point of view, but he cannot avoid considering himself fortunate enough with the fact that so far Cayo hasn't made those accusations public (being so hot-headed as he can be sometimes, it's almost a miracle), or they both would have been in serious trouble. Well, to be more precise, it would be Cayo the one in serious trouble, but Albecciu would never abandon him to his luck, no matter the foe they would be facing.

Besides, he didn't disagree with him at all in that matter.

Finally, the General entered the HQ. He was carrying with him some scrolls and maps. Without saying a word, he took his time to unroll and spread the documents across the table. Albecciu and Cayo were standing at attention all that time. During the wait, Al thought that he was also fortunate that the General was one of the few commanding officers that Cayo respects. Being him the man whose orders directly comes from has always made things a little easier for both of them.

"At ease", finally said the General after a while. "Gentlemen, as you probably know already, we've had sightings of some sort of undead horde walking though a certain area of the Valus Mountains. Unfortunately, it's a pretty extense terrain to cover, and our scouts haven't found the source of them. It is certainly not located close to Harlum's Watch, where the sightings took place, as our scouts have thoroughly explored the town and it's surroundings"

"So, what do we must do, sir?" Cayo asked.

"Captain Albecciu Seccus will command a search-and-destroy unit of Legion Infantry, and he'll go to Harlum's Watch. Their mission will be to patrol the town and the surrounding areas around Cheydinhal's East Walls. If those undead have appeared once, they could appear again, but that time we'll be ready to face them"

The General remained silent for a few seconds, then looked at Cayo "Captain, I've my suspicions about what the issue would be about, so I'll also send a Legion Battlemage unit for you to command to Cheydinhal. But before going there, you must go to Bruma and retrieve a certain book. Countess Narina Carvain has already been informed, and she'll have the book ready for you"

"It must be a serious issue for sending two Legion units, General", Cayo replied, giving him a look that clearly meant he wasn't satisfied with the details given so far.

"I won't speculate about what is happening, Captain, that's why I need that book", the General replied, patiently. "Once you have it, go to Cheydinhal. I'll be there personally to retrieve it and to personally command this mission. We all have our assignments, so let's get to work"
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:54 pm

So, right now Nine-Toes is in Bruma, enjoying a drink in the Inn. He helped the villagers from Cropsford by killing the goblins and bringing back weapons for them. So now they can defend themselves, or atleast try. he then travelled further to the red ring road, and visited an old friend of him in the golden arrow. he also bought new arrows. He had then spend the night in the Roxey Inn and from there he continued to Bruma, to sell his pelts.
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