» Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:31 am
Elysia Spellbearer has just finished a gruelling battle with a vampire matriarch.
She wandered into a ruined fort and was surprised to find that her first enemy was a towering golem of flesh, frozen into an almost crystallized form. Disgusted and repulsed, she quickly put the thing down, thinking this to just be the work of some despicable necromancer, she pushed onward. What a surprise, then, to be attacked by a group of vampires! Having never seen these beings before, but being knowledgeable to recognize them - the pale, blank stares. The ghost-white skin - she was reasonably frightened. However, Elysia is a tough girl, and a nord on top of that. And if there's one thing about Nords, is that they know how to take care of themselves.
She charged into battle head-on, casting a few shield spells to protect her - she managed to deflect most of their blows with ease, however, one of them had an enchanted longsword which set her armour ablaze. Fortunately, her shield stopped her from becoming too damaged by the fire, and she pressed the attack, killing both of the vampires in quick succession with a flurry of sword-swipes and flaming touches. After looting the room and finding a few potions, she continued onwards, before hearing a cry from further in:
"We have an intruder! Elgur, don't just stand there you meat-head! Take your mutts and kill her, or I swear I'll just slay you and do it myself!"
A chorus of bloodthirsty howls, growls and barks sounded in the empty, decrepit passages - and a terrible sense of dread overcame Elysia. Things were about to get very messy.
Casting another shield spell to protect herself, she decided it was time to pull out her backup weapon - an enchanted dwavern dagger that she had procured from an alyied ruin on one of her many misadventures, and had been saving for a situation like this. Then they were on her: A group of savage, bloodthirsty wolves - bigger than you can imagine, with fangs an inch long and pelts as black as night, horrible, acrid drool frothing from their feral mouths in anticipation of fresh meat. And, leading them, was another vampire - an orc, this time, hauling a massive, two-handed war-hammer.
"Gods..." Elysia managed to mutter before she was swarmed - Raising her shield and batting a few of the wolves away, she was pushed backwards - saved only by her shield spell and her shield itself, she managed to get a lucky shot in on the vampire, who now had a freshly cauterized lightning-touched wound. One more shot and the foul beast went down - leaving Elysia alone with the wolves. Being continuously staggered by their assault didn't leave much room for her to manoeuvre, but she managed to take them down eventually, the enchanted dagger serving her well.
Panting and weary, Elysia had just enough time before the wily, spiteful voice called out again:
"Do I have to do EVERYTHING myself? Pah! No matter, they were worthless excuses for vampires anyway - that orc was but a mere child compared to me! Expendable. Come now, child! Don't keep me waiting..."
The logical thing would of been to run at that point: to admit defeat - she knew that this vampire was a matriarch - the way she spoke and commanded the others like pawns. She had heard many tales about how powerful they were, and how spiteful their years of torment had made them. She knew she couldn't stand much of a chance. But she was a NORD, and a BATTLEMAGE at that. When your pride is on your sleeve, when your blood screams at you to fell your enemies, when you have been trained for battle and mastered both the blade and magic, when your honour lies in your armour and sword -
And so she charged around the corner, sword unsheathed, teeth gritted and battle-cry readied at the back of her throat, her hands dancing with magical energy. She raised her weapon, yelling to the gods -
And was immediately struck down by a spell which almost drained her of all her life, pitching to the floor in a heap of smoking armour, she coughed harshly, her ribs crackling under the effort of breathing. Were it not for her magical barriers she would of most likely been killed.
"Oh my, what a brave warrior we have here - so strong, so proud and noble - such barbaric blood, too! Though I've seen you, magister. I wonder how your ancestors would of appreciated you learning magic? When your ancestry encourages you to follow the path of the blade?" The matriarch let out a shrill giggle, her voice piercing Elysia's ears as she tried to bring herself around. "They'd be disgusted, I bet. It's a shame, such barbaric blood, tainted by scholarly. I'll still revel in drinking it, though..." She leant down, bearing her fangs - Elysia saw them glisten in the dull candle-light. Saw the crimson blood-stains on the walls glisten, a trophy of her previous kills. Imagined her own fate at the hands of this witch...
"You talk too much." Elysia murmured, roaring as she rose to her feet - she rammed her shield into the startled matriarch, and then let loose with a spray of flame, causing the Matriarch's wailing to echo around the cavern as she was backed into a corner. As the fire dulled and spat out, Elysia was assaulted with spells of all kind - barely able to even stand up to their power. It was a struggle of who would tire first - the Matriach could not move because she was against the wall, with a raging Nord in her path - and Elysia could not kill the Matriach because of the debilitating spells causing her strikes to miss, or not hit with the full force she intended them to.
The battle raged on for minutes - both fighters were in a stalemate - Elysia exhausted herself, pushing herself to her limits. Her arms were aching, her brain fried, her lungs bursting with the effort that it took to keep going - she was relatively sure she almost died many a time - only saved by a swiftly-drunken potion or a well-timed restoration spell. She even summoned a frost golem using a scroll that she had found in an alyied ruin - and slowly, but surely, the Matriarch waned, perishing in a shrill, siren's shriek - bursting in an cataclysmic explosion of flames before disappearing into a cloud of ashes.
And then there was silence, pure, unadvlterated silence. Elysia collapsed to the ground - conscious, but not. Sleep, that's all she needed. Just. Rest.
She wasn't sure for how long she remained like that - it could have been hours, days, months, years for all she cared. Eventually, she managed to stumble to her feet, her legs barely supporting her. She felt like her bones would just crumble at any moment, unable to support her body any longer - almost as if they would just crack and turn to ash as the Matriarch had. She managed to draw on some strength after replenishing herself with a potion - though it was only a temporary comfort. She staggered outside the fortress, and into the dawn's sun, a warm smile spreading across her face as she saw how the daylight filtered through the swaying leaves - how it shone and cast itself gently upon the morning dew. And she realised how thankful she was for life, and she realised that she would never waste it in the name of honour again.
(( She died constantly throughout that fight :L I had to quicksave and reload her numerous times - I don't play dead-is-dead, mostly due to the fact that I have OOO installed and it's VERY easy to die. ))