Version 4.1.9a
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Oblivion XP Update is a full update to SirFrederik's Oblivion XP mod. It has several bug fixes and script optimizations that utilize the new features and functions available in the newer versions of Oblivion Script Extender. I intend to release further updates that will include more bug fixes, performance improvements and a complete overhaul of the third party mod support.
This is a complete self-contained package. It does not require the original Oblivion XP - everything is included in this update. This is being released as an upgrade to the original Oblivion XP mod because the changes are quite extensive and the overhaul of the third party mod support will require major structural changes to the plugin (ESP file).
Existing users will be able to install this update and continue with your current games. You should not lose the progress you have made. You will need to follow the upgrade instructions in the readme file because the location and contents of the ini file have been changed.
The package is BAIN compatible, with an OMOD conversion script for OBMM as well.
For those unfamiliar with Oblivion XP, it is a levelling system replacement. The Oblivion levelling system is based on skill use to improve the skills themselves and their associated attributes. However, for many players this has turned out to be a tedious exercise that forced them to use skills that did not fit their roleplaying experience in order to improve certain attributes. It also required a certain degree of "micromanagement" if you wished to get the maximum attribute bonuses when you increased in level.
Oblivion XP aims to change all that. It brings the experience point reward system to Oblivion. You gain experience points for performing a variety of actions, including completing quests, killing monsters, picking locks or discovering new locations. When you accumulate enough experience points, you will gain a new level. Upon gaining the new level, you spend points to increase your attributes and skills. You no longer improve your skills by using them. You earn experience points by action and spend an allotted number of points on skills and attributes to improve them, anyway you wish, when you level-up.
SirFrederik is the original author of this mod. He devised the mathematical formulae that control the number of points you need to level and the number of experience points you receive for various actions. The system he designed is complete and operates as a balanced and comprehensive unit. I will not be altering any of this underlying logic. He also made Oblivion XP extremely customizable through settings in the ini file so that this system would work with a variety of playing styles.
Important Notes
The ini file has been relocated to the ini directory under (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\. There are several mods using this convention now, so the Oblivion XP ini file will be found in the same directory used by other mods.
See the readme file in the download for a full description of all the changes.
This release requires This is a newer version than what the original Oblivion XP required.
Also requires version 8a or newer. Version 9a is recommended.
Other Languages
As of version 4.1.9, translating Oblivion XP is as simple as translating the ObXP_strings.xml file. See the readme for full details.
FatalIllusion has already done an Italian translation and the file is on the Nexus download page. Just download it and copy to your Data\Menus\Strings directory. You must install the new version of Oblivion XP first.
Translations Available
Italian by FatalIllusion
Japanese by nkyhiro
French by Sita. Updated by Gameruper.
Simplified Chinese by dantebelmondo
Previous Threads
Outstanding Bugs and Future Plans
- overhaul the third party mod support. This is a source of most of the performance hit in Oblivion XP.
- rewrite the kill script to improve performance.
- reward points for fencing stolen goods rather than for simply stealing them. This will fix an exploit with stealing items. It also seems to better fit the effort required to actually sell stolen items rather than simply picking something up. The points awarded will be scaled to the monetary value of the item.
- see if experience points can be awarded for the Speechcraft mini game. Currently there is an ini setting for rewarding points for changing the NPC's disposition, but this was never implemented.
- look at new locations discovery script. Might be able to use city markers instead of current mechanism. This will allow Oblivion XP to work with extended worldspaces better.
- scale the experience points awarded for lockpicking according to security skill. Picking a hard level lock with a security skill of 20 will yield more points than picking the same lock with a security skill of 80.
- award points for arena matches. Looking at awarding points when player attains a new rank and for the overall completion of the quest. Currently a large number of points are awarded when the player becomes Grand Champion.
- award points for repairing items.
Change Log
Ok, now the details on what I've done so far... This is only a brief summary - see the readme file for details!
Version 4.1.9a
- fixed problem with text display for some Skill Perks.
- on-screen log was listing wrong string when an artifact was found. On-screen log would say "Read a book" when it should have said "Found an artifact".
- added missing Dark Brotherhood quest and added alternate ending for Fighters Guild quest
Version 4.1.9
- HUD overhaul! New progress bar to match the other HUD elements. Also restored option to display progress text. New ini options to control display of progress text and progress bar itself.
- menu overhaul! Character statistics menu and Level-up menu have been given a face lift.
- added support for Dark UI
- skill increases per level capped at five. Configurable in ini file.
- skill point cost progression. Higher level skills will cost more to increase. Also configurable.
- Skill Perks are now displayed when you increase a skill to the next mastery rank. May be turned off in ini file.
- can set trainingSessions and/or trainingCostMult ini settings to 0 to disable. Disabling Oblivion XP's control of these parameters will revert them to the default game settings and unused training sessions will NOT carry over to the next level (if trainingSessions is set to 0).
- all messages and menu text moved to the ObXP_strings.xml file. Now anybody wishing to translate Oblivion XP only has to translate the ObXP_strings.xml file. Oblivion XP now requires MenuQue. It also requires a newer version of OBSE than previous versions.
- enhanced OBSE detection. Will detect if OBSE is not running properly in addition to detecting if wrong version is installed.
Version 4.1.8
- Fixed miscellaneous stats bug. This is the "no experience from miscellaneous actions" bug that has plagued Oblivion XP for so long - not any more!
- Removed built-in support for AFK_Weye. Dwip has created a patch that will award experience points for all quests in AFK_Weye.
- Fixed vanilla/BTmod character stats menu. Now your current level will be displayed properly in the menu.
- Fixed bug that was preventing the training cost multiplier from being processed properly. Now if you change the ini setting, it will be reflected properly in-game.
- Changed Health regeneration calculation so that the minimum rate is always 1.0. Previously it was possible for characters with low Endurance and/or Willpower to have a rate less than one, so there was no Health regeneration at all.
Version 4.1.7a
- Fixed bug in Curse of Hircine script. Also fixed a bug in the Cowl of Nocturnal script. Points were still being awarded if your "normal" infamy exceeded that of the Cowl - naughty, naughty
- Removed built-in support for The Ayleid Steps - Ervvyn has added Oblivion XP support to the latest version of The Ayleid Steps.
Version 4.1.7
- No points awarded for kills by poison, part 2: The previous fix didn't work in all cases. I think I got it this time
- Training sessions not carrying over to next level, part 2: There were still some problems with training sessions carrying over properly that has now been fixed. No special steps to upgrade anymore either!
- Gray Cowl of Nocturnal bug: A large number of experience points would be awarded when removing the Cowl. Not any more!
- Curse of Hircine bug: Similar to the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal. No more XP for switching forms.
- Point awards fixed for Lockpicking: If you broke more lockpicks than the setting in the ini file, you would still receive full points for picking the lock. This has been fixed. Furthermore, there is a new ini setting for the Skeleton Key. By default, if you have the Skeleton Key, you will NOT earn any experience points for lockpicking!
- Points awarded when in text input mode: Previously you would earn points for reading a book everytime you went into text input mode. Fixed now.
Version 4.1.6
- Summons bug No. 1: Kill a conjurer with a summoned creature and you'd only get the points for killing the measly creature.
- Summons bug No. 2: Experience point running total corrupted by killing a zero-level summoned creature.
- Poison Kills bug: No points awarded for killing a creature or NPC via poisoning.
- DLC Quest bug: No points awarded for completing the official DLC quests.
- No Level Adjustment for 3rd Party Mods: Experience points awarded for completing quests in third party mods with built-in Oblivion XP support were not scaled properly.
- No Kill Points Awarded if Bonus Muliplier Disabled bug.
- Training Sessions bug: Training sessions not carrying over to next level. See the readme file for details.
- Master Training Quests bug: No points awarded for completion of master training quests.
I wouldn't be able to do this alone! Thanks to:
- Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
- SirFrederik for creating Oblivion XP.
- Tejon for some hints and a sample script to fix the summoned creature bug.
- Javert93 for his help in anolyzing, testing and fixing the miscellaneous stats bug.
- kyoma for his help in fixing the miscellaneous stats bug. Also for his help with the menus.
- TheNiceOne for his help in demystifying Oblivion XML and the Darnified UI.
- Phitt for his suggestions on the new skill cost progression. Also for his help in testing.
- Amadaun, Klaus, samuro_, Tatts4Life and FatalIllusion for their help in testing.
- LHammonds for the Readme Generator that the readme file was based on.