I would love to be chased by Kate Beckinsale :wub:
I would prefer it if you had the ability to change at will rather than just on full moons. Lore is not always correct in Tamriel so maybe an exception should be made here, otherwise most of the time you won't be able to take advantage of the fact you are a werewolf.
Well, then they wouldn't be called werewolves if they changed at will. They would be called shapeshifters. I prefer to play as a werewolf and turn when the moons are full. It would be a burden to some. Lycanthropy can't be all perks and no downsides. It should be like Oblivion with equal amount of downsides(I never saw vampirism as a downside.)
In the daytime you wouldn't suspect any of the townsfolk of being a werecreature.. and maybe get to like one or two of them. Imagine then, slaying a werecreature, only to find out that it was that nice blacksmith or logger that you befriended in town.
Werewolves don't turn back to their human form after they were killed.
Normally, werewolves only change when either Masser or Secunda is full.
/This. Unless of course they use Hircine's ring. Which should be used to contro Lycanthropy rather than cause the wearer to turn into a werebeast.
Grrrrr... curse you Gromm
Curse you with the cursed curse of Lycanthropy
Curse? It's a gift