I read them, and I still don't agree. Magic did make you more powerful than a fighter or thief. I still maintain that demanding to kill the most powerful ( well, highest health ) enemies in the game with a single spell is asking too much.
Reflect? So some, few, enemies can throw your spells back at you? If you are the Master Wizard the OP yearns for, summon similar strength creatures to fight for you, and go invisible. Just destruction shouldn't get you out of every situation.
As for the stories, everyone knows the lore is reported, unreliable, biased, or simply not true in many cases. Nothing in an in game book should be taken at face value, and anyway, if you were that powerful, where is the challenge in the game? See monster, fire off spell, monster dies, recharge magicka, see monster... repeat until bored. I like anyone else, want a character to feel more capable at higher levels, but there should always be some challenge, some things that require a change of tactics, or dare I say it, even a retreat. If your lone mage is having trouble with a group of Xivilai or liches, good, you can't expect everything to be easy. Just remember as well, those liches were powerful wizards, their spells should be as powerful as yours.
There was a thread a few days ago, '100 ways to die in Skyrim'. My contribution was 'spellmaking is in, and your enemies get to use it too.'
I never suggested that every enemy should be capable of being killed by a single spell. I said that Goblin Warlords should be able to be killed thus, if attacked by one of the more powerful spells of a wizard who has Mastered Destruction..
I would neither want nor expect to vanquish a Dremora Valkynaz with one spell. . . which, due to the broken scalling system, was actually much easier to do than killing a Goblin warlord.
As to Liches and the like, it is fine for them to have resistances, but it is not fine if a pure mage character, even when maxed out, is all but unable to defeat one of them.
And why should a lich automatically have spells as powerful as mine? This all depends on varying degrees of ability and talent. A sorcerer of lesser genius and talent may have found himself at the limits of his ability once Journeyman status had been attained, and through Lichdom managed to become an Expert of Destruction, Conjouration and Alteration. . . . my Master status could still trump his. Lich = more powerful than the mage you were and more powerful than the average mage,
Lich does NOT = (equal) more powerful than any living wizard who exists or ever existed.