possible alchemy perks

Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:21 pm

i have two ideas for alchemy perks.(givin that alchemy is still like oblivion. Gather ingrediants and add them together.) First a perk that lets you remove an effect from a potion. For example you want to make a health potion but with the ingrediants you have it heals you but also damages your fatige. A cool perk would be to romove one unwanted effect of a potion. The second perk would be that you use ingrediants very carefully and not have to use the entire ingrediant when making a potion and could use and ingrediant twice. Let me know what you think about my perks and if you.have any ideas of perks I would.like to hear them they dont have to be about alchemy.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:44 am

I'd like to have a perk that obscures a potion's negative effects from NPCs. So you could basically leave your own poisons lying around and NPCs will pick them up and drink them thinking they're just regular potions.
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Bedford White
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:44 pm

How about an alchemical perk that allows you to carry one less piece of alchemical equipment. Or a perk that allows your alchemical equipment to function at one level higher than it really is (for example, a master's set works like an expert's set).
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:19 am

There will be perks that make healing ingredients more potent, poisons more deadly, perhaps one that allows you more helpings of an ingredient obtained from a plant.
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:11 pm

I like. Alchemy in Oblivion felt like a skill I leveled up just so I could make money off of potions that weren't even good. Who wants to drink a potion that gives you night-eye for X seconds but drains a ton of health? If they improve alchemy like that I might actually consider using my own potions for once.
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Big mike
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:48 am

I would like one where you could have 2 doses made from each combination (like you use 1 ham and 1 boar meat and make 2 health potions)

I would also like one where you could stack individual effects, because iirc adding 4 items with health restore does not make the health effect go up at all after the first 2.
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Rach B
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:09 am

I like. Alchemy in Oblivion felt like a skill I leveled up just so I could make money off of potions that weren't even good. Who wants to drink a potion that gives you night-eye for X seconds but drains a ton of health? If they improve alchemy like that I might actually consider using my own potions for once.

i agree with this one i just use alchemy for money making never used the potions and just sold them kinda pointless to make potions for yourself if they're going to kill you
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Sam Parker
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:27 am

How about an alchemical perk that allows you to carry one less piece of alchemical equipment. Or a perk that allows your alchemical equipment to function at one level higher than it really is (for example, a master's set works like an expert's set).

I'm pretty sure there is no more carrying around alchemy equipment. It's only done at certain places, like smithing.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:48 pm

Perk that allows you to throw vials of poison or similar substances.

Perk that allows you to make flaming oils. For example, something that if you throw it or coat your sword with it, each enemy you strike will continue to burn for X seconds and it spreads, catching other nearby enemies on fire.

Perk that allows you to make a poisonous concoction that immobilizes a group of enemies in a cloud of noxious, choking gas.

Perk that gives you a random chance of creating a very special exceptional potion - double effect or something.

Perk that allows you to create a very special, expensive and powerful potion with unique, hard to find ingredients - if you take this potion, it helps you concentrate on your training with enhanced learning so that you get a +5 bonus to any skill you choose, or perhaps you get 1 new perk from any skill tree.

Probably there will be some kind of potion you can make that gives you a bonus to certain skill point accumulation, like the Guardian Stones.
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Naughty not Nice
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:23 am

Like we've seen with Block, I think there will be two main paths through the tree. A Potions tree, and a Poisons tree.

The Potions tree could have simple ones like increased benefit from potions, able to drink more potions at once, etc. I can't think of any interesting ones right now.

The Poisons tree could be very interesting, though. Increased potency, duration, the addition of an extra health-damaging component to all poisons, poisons last more than one strike, poison more arrows. Who knows, maybe even the ability to toss a poison at foes and affect multiple targets, or make some poisons contagious in some way. A nice perk for assassins could add a "silencing" sort of effect to Damage Health poisons, where a victim cannot scream for help while the poison is in effect.
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louise tagg
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:27 pm

In the G4 demo, when they show the Nirnroot in the inventory, you can see that there are 4 effects listed as "Unknown". I bet they are planning to follow a similar route as OB in that the higher your skill/perk, the more effects you can get from an ingredient.

More effects or stronger potions are too obvious and boring. Maybe alchemy requires a 'smithing/crafting' type of location to build the potion (as someone suggested), so maybe a cool perk would be to create potion anywhere.
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clelia vega
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:08 am

I'm pretty sure there is no more carrying around alchemy equipment. It's only done at certain places, like smithing.

In one of the very first interviews, the one where Todd takes us around the Bethesda headquarters, there is a shot of the white board, and it shows how the alchemy process/menu is set up... My take away was that it would be similar to a smithing/crafting station...
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:42 am

Maybe alchemy requires a 'smithing/crafting' type of location to build the potion (as someone suggested), so maybe a cool perk would be to create potion anywhere.

It was hinted at, not quite confirmed but almost confirmed that you can only do alchemy at specific locations like an alchemical lab, so yes that would be a great perk.
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Da Missz
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:53 am

More effects or stronger potions are too obvious and boring. Maybe alchemy requires a 'smithing/crafting' type of location to build the potion (as someone suggested), so maybe a cool perk would be to create potion anywhere.

Crafting anything is largely a boring activity.
There aren't very many mind-blowing things you can do to potion-making or crafting a shortsword.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:06 am

Ingredient extracts. You come across a watermelon and want to make a potion with it, but its awfully heavy. Have a perk that lets you fill a vial with watermelon extract (provided you have a vial), so you can take it back to an alchemy station without clogging up your inventory. The watermelon isn't consumed, but the vial gains only a fraction of the full value of the watermelon. That way you can't gold farm by filling up 100 vials with frost salt extract of whatever.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:25 pm

Ingredient extracts. You come across a watermelon and want to make a potion with it, but its awfully heavy. Have a perk that lets you fill a vial with watermelon extract (provided you have a vial), so you can take it back to an alchemy station without clogging up your inventory. The watermelon isn't consumed, but the vial gains only a fraction of the full value of the watermelon. That way you can't gold farm by filling up 100 vials with frost salt extract of whatever.

I really like this one. i remember always being bogged down from all the watermelons after i would raid a local farm....
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:25 pm

i agree with this one i just use alchemy for money making never used the potions and just sold them kinda pointless to make potions for yourself if they're going to kill you

thats the point. the perk would let you remove some of those effects. like if you made a potion for night eye but it also damaged your health the perk would let you remove an effect. but not more then one cuz then it would take away from having to gather the right ingrediants.
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u gone see
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:18 pm

I think it would be handy if you could mix potions together to create more potent ones. It would make alchemy scale a lot better towards the later levels and could add some interesting effects. Things like extended potion duration, more powerful healing/damaging potions etc. should also be in IMO.
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Michael Russ
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:30 am

Careful Harvest: You harvest more ingredients from the wild.

Larger Bottles: Durations are increased by 20%. Your potions are now larger and heavier.

Concentrated Solutions: Adding more than two ingredients with the same effect now yields more powerful magnitudes.

Experimental Alchemist: You can now combine two ingredients to create a paste. Pastes can be used as ingredients for potions or poisons.

Proffesional Alchemy: Your potions are now proffesionally done and merchants will accept them when bartering. Also, your potions now look much prettier and have labels, etc.

Master Alchemist: You can now see new powerful effects on most ingredients. (Really hope they dont waste three perks on this...)

Disolving Mixture: Negative effects on potions are less harmful. Poisons can be applied to drinks and food.

Volatile Mixture: Potion with any of the three elemental effects can now be thrown or applied to traps and will explode with AOE.

Just a Dab: You can coat ten arrows from a single quiver with a one bottle of poison. (Assuming you don't still poison the bow...)

Waste Not: You can now poison your weapon with the blood from an enemy that was killed while poisoned.
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jess hughes
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:59 am

There will be perks that make healing ingredients more potent, poisons more deadly, perhaps one that allows you more helpings of an ingredient obtained from a plant.

This is most likely.

I've also been wondering, as my Argonian assassin does a good bit of Alchemy.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:33 am

Poisons can be applied to drinks and food.

I really like this idea - making poisoned apples, etc., would be a very cool perk reward for those who invest to reach a higher alchemy skill level. If it is not in the vanilla version of the game, you should make a mod to add this perk.

Waste Not: You can now poison your weapon with the blood from an enemy that was killed while poisoned.

also very interesting concept
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