Racial Ablities Confirmed!

Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:57 am

So bethesda should completely alienate people who have never picked up an elder scrolls game before? How is the series supposed to improve if only the same people keep buying the game while the price of producing the games goes up?

This pretty much sums up any BS complaints about "streamlining" being nothing but misguided, nostalgia-induced whining from TES forum freaks.

I'm hoping they changed some of the more useless ones. Like the Dark Elves freaking "Ancestral Ghost"... Worthless.

"help me ancestors!" *wraith like thing runs in* ... *gets 2 shotted* "...crap..."

Lolz, I know, right? We really need scaled racial powers, or at least make them strong enough and versatile enough to be useful for a level 1 just as much as they could be for a level 50.

I was under the impression you chose a race based on what looked the coolest to you, not based on number crunching and end-game forumlas...

If that were the case, then there would be even less "RPG" about TES. What you're implying is more akin to wearing a different set of clothes in the game, that have no different effects from any other outfit. Not only would that terribly undermine the race lore, but it would just make gameplay boring and pretty much ruin any hope for replay value.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:37 pm

There should be a perk for that.

Waste of a good perk. Let's have a guardian stone, preferably next to the perk re spec stone, and the i wish i'd taken less stamina and more magicka stone.
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Naazhe Perezz
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