Somewhere along the way I have lost my fear of modding and now I attack the CS like an adrenaline charged Redguard
However that slightly unhealthy fear I used to have used to prevent me from getting over-confident ( I think the forum censors me if I use NZ slang and say cocky )
Be having low confidence i used to lean heavily on more experienced modders to help me write scripts (sometimes writing the whole thing) - and therefore the quality was really good
Now for the rant - now I think I know what i am doing i am finding out how much i don't know - so in testing scripts I find it takes many many tests, rewrites and further tests to get it right
I have had error messages I can't even find in MWSFD - Expression error, left eval, right eval, can't find reference in x script was a great one
Today I had the game CTD on me for the first time in ages - I knew it was one of my scripts and I think I've located it down to there not being a space before a bracket e.g. 0] instead of 0 ]
Don't get me wrong i am still in love with my mod and modding in general
Just today after spending 6 hours redoing the same thing over and over and over again I just had to come here and scream silently at my screen.
Actually I feel better already