Well, I usually use the gray fox cowl to for the feather 200 pts so I can carry alot of loot to the market district, and when I get there I run to the best defense, take off the mask, then yield to the guards, then go in the store, put the mask on and run over to Maro Rufus to sell my things, but this time I came to sell my items at the wrong time, when I got to the the best defense, it was closing time, and every shop keeper was outside, and they all have around 100 disposition towards me, so they tried helping me kill the guards, I just took off the mask and watched as everyone killed each other, at the end of this massacre, these are the people who were killed: 3 imperial guards, Maro Rufus, Varnado, and the orc from Slash and Smash. I'm actually really saddened by this, because the best defense was my number 1 store in the whole game