Atrophying skills

Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:41 pm

Why is that silly? That's literally what you'd have to do in reality. Shoot a fireball or an arrow every once in a while to keep your form. Is that too hard?

No, it wouldn't be hard, just tedious and immersion breaking. Further, you -don't- lose major, well developed skills in the time spans that you're talking about (weeks). I could go without talking for a month and resume speaking just fine at the end of that month. It would take a year or longer for any significant changes to occur.. and that's just too minor and tedious to bother programming in. Remember, they don't have unlimited resources, and priority goes to putting man hours into things that actually matter.
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:07 pm

It'd be pretty sweet to see in a hardcoe mode if there is one, but not in the casual mode for all those wusses out there :thumbsup: I'd like it. And as an address to the previous concerns about "What if your skill degraded then your perk was wasted" Why not just have certain perks unavailable until you pass the level in that skill of max degradation (I.E. have perks available with 20 one handed weapons, then have more become available at 40), but once again only in hardcoe mode. And the thing about level farming by letting your skills atrophy then regaining them; just make it so they don't get general exp for leveling up skills if they atrophy, until they surpass their max level with that skill (44 OHW degrades to 40, and you can't level off of OHW until you get to at least 45). Besides, you level up skills faster the longer you use them so it'd make sense if you also have to maintain and practice them.
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Amelia Pritchard
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