I don't know if this error occurs on your side or due to Microsoft but my brother's account instantly went from a level 14 (no reboot) to level 50, 5th reboot instantly.
His gamertag is: GenerousMedusa9 (I know it sounds sad but it's the default MS name he was given.)
So on my own gamertag I am a legitimate level 50, 5th reboot. My brother has come back from University yesterday so instead of him destroying my stats, as he usually does, I signed out of my account and created a new gamer profile.
My brother had then to put all his personal details and his card details and paid £1 for a months Gold Account. So now he has his own gamertag. All's well and good.
So, yesterday evening he played for a couple of ours and reached level 10. This morning he played again and my Xbox automatically logged me into my account (by default) so he had to sign out and sign into his own and continued to play C2 from level 10-14 with no problems.
Then the game crashed after finishing the game (he got the black screen), which is not uncommon but usually causes no problems except annoyance, and he was forced to restart the Xbox since it would not allow him to Dashboard. It again signed him into my gamertag so he signed out and signed into his own.
Boom! He automatically was made a level 50, 5th reboot. Also he has ALL modules unlocked all at level 1.
I thought that if he bought a new account then he would be able to level from 1-50 and reboot if he wanted. I was also thinking of making my own as well as I wanted to rank up again but if I'm going to become automatically a level 50, 5th reboot on all my accounts I make then there is little point.
Can someone please tell me if this is intended by Microsoft or it is a fault with Crytek? I thought paying for another Gold Account would let you start from fresh in each not transfer partial save data across, though I am well aware that DLC would carry across since I purchased and installed them from the Game Marketplace.
Please advise.